Hi all.
I need to copy file (like C:\home.exe to C:\windows)
I need to do it for C or C++ compiler so i do not know the command .
I was looking in the reference but i did not find anything about this.

Thank you all for reading .
I hope that someone good will respond to my Thread.

If you're creating a program that copies a file you need to look at these standard functions:
fopen(), fclose(), fread() and fwrite().

you can call the win32 api function CopyFile() -- look it up in MSDN for details

Thank you for that ,i will study that it will be heavy to learn from MSND,so if you have a tutorial for that it would be useful.

MSDN is a scary place to navigate. Google often makes it easier. Just type "msdn copyfile" and hit "I feel lucky" and you'll usually go right to the source.

The result is a complete explanation and prototype for the function you are interested in.

Hope this helps.

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