Hi i have written a code for concatenation of two strings by overloading the string operator. The program works fine but i don't understand the sequence of steps happening.
[Use language = C++]
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class String
int len;
char *p;
String ()
cout << "default constructor " << this << endl;
len = 0;
p = NULL;
String (const char *s)
cout << "String constructor called " << s << endl;
len = strlen(s);
p = new char[len + 1];
strcpy(p, s);
String (const String &s)
cout << "Copy constructor invoked " << s.p << endl;;
len = s.len;
p = new char[len + 1];
strcpy(p, s.p);
~String ()
cout << "destructor invoked\n";
delete p;
void display(void)
cout << p << "\t address of p = " << &p << "\tobject this = " << this << endl;
void operator = (const String &s)
cout << "assignment operator invoked\n";
len = s.len;
p = new char[len + 1];
strcpy(p, s.p);
friend String operator + (const String &s, const String &t);
String operator + (const String &s, const String &t)
String temp;
temp.len = s.len + t.len;
temp.p = new char[temp.len + 1];
strcpy(temp.p, s.p);
strcat(temp.p, t.p);
cout << "temp = "; temp.display();
return temp;
String s1("abcdefg"), s2("hijklmn ");
String s3 = s2 + s1 ;
cout << "S1 = "; s1.display();
cout << "S2 = "; s2.display();
cout << "S3 = "; s3.display();
return 0;
The output of the above program is as follows.
String constructor called abcdefg
String constructor called hijklmn
default constructor 0xbff1e840
temp = hijklmn adcdefg address of p = 0xbff1e844 object this = 0xbff1e840
S1 = abcdefg address of p = 0xbff1e864 object this = 0xbff1e860
S2 = hijklmn address of p = 0xbff1e854 object this = 0xbff1e850
S3 = hijklmn abcdefg address of p = 0xbff1e844 object this = 0xbff1e840
destructor invoked
destructor invoked
destructor invoked
why is the copy constuctor not called for S3 and also why is the destructor not called for temp?