i want to create a method which counts the nodes from a binary tree that have exactly one child
i did that but it returns error :S
Can anyone tell me what's going wrong ??

Thanks in advance

//Count nodes from BinaryTree1 that have exactly one child
      public static int countNodesOne(BinaryTree2 node)
          if (node == null)
              return 0;
                if (int leftCount = countNodesOne(node.left = 1))
                    else if (int rightCount = countNodesOne(node.right = 1)
                    return leftCount + rightCount;

if (int leftCount = countNodesOne(node.left = 1))

whats this? = is assignment operator not check for equality

should'nt this statement say:
node.left ==1

oh i haven't noticed that

but the problem is that it returns an error saying '.class expected' :S

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