ok I got this far in the code but I can't seem to get a person to enter an age and the program to return the info of those with the same age.

I think this is what I need to use...or at least something like this on my code.

int search(student[], int size, int anAge);
  for (int i=0; (i<size); i++)
    if (Slist[i].Age == anAge)
        return i;

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>

using namespace std;

struct student
  string Name;
  char   Gender;
  string Major;
  int    Age;

void GatherData(student[], int);                                                                                 
void DisplayStudent(student[], int);
void BubbleSort(student[], int);                                                                                

int main()
  student MyClass[10];
  GatherData(MyClass, 10);                                                                   
  BubbleSort(MyClass, 10);
  for (int s=0; s < 10; s++)
    DisplayStudent(MyClass, s);

  return 0;

void GatherData(student Slist[], int size)
  student Default = {"lastname, firstname", 'gender', "major", age};
  int i = 0;
  ifstream inFile("hw1.txt", ios::in);
  string last, first;
  while (inFile >> first)
      inFile >> last;
      Slist[i].Name  = last + ", " + first;
      inFile >> Slist[i].Gender;
      inFile >> Slist[i].Major;
      inFile  >> Slist[i].Age;
  for (int j = i; j < size; j++)
      Slist[j] = Default;

void DisplayStudent(student Slist[], int slot)
  cout << "Name: " << Slist[slot].Name << endl;
  cout << "Gender: " << Slist[slot].Gender << endl;
  cout << "Major: " << Slist[slot].Major << endl;
  cout << "Age: " << Slist[slot].Age << endl;

void BubbleSort(student Slist[], int N)
  student temp;
  for (int pass = 1; pass <= N-1; pass++)                             
    bool didIf= false;
    for (int item= 0; item <  N-pass; item++)
        if (Slist[item].Name > Slist[item+1].Name)
            didIf = true;
            temp= Slist[item];
            Slist[item] = Slist[item+1];
            Slist[item+1] = temp;
    if (didIf == false) return;

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