hi I'm doing a banking project using binary files I need to write into a binary file and read and calculate the amounts within it. I open a file by asking the user for their name and searching and a file. I am having trouble reading the integers into a file and calculating.Here is my code so far.I'm also seem to have trouble with a file 'Index'(binary) which stores the users info but when I'm reading the file into a struct only one person is found whilst searching which was the first person entered in the file.Can anyone help me Please?!?!?
[*]#include <stdio.h>
[*]#include <string.h>
[*]#include <stdlib.h>
[*]#define MAX 100
[*]int menu(void);
[*]int display(int i);
[*]void customer_search(void);
[*]void AccNo_search(void);
[*]void createFile(char *);
[*]void openFile(char *);
[*]void enter(void);
[*]void save(void);
[*]void load(void);
[*]struct catalog
[*] char name[80];
[*] char AccNo[6];
[*] char address[80];
[*] unsigned date;
[*] unsigned char month;
[*]struct bank
[*] char BankName[20];
[*] unsigned LastAccNum;
[*] unsigned sortCode;
[*]struct Account
[*] int amounts[100];
[*]int top = 0;
[*]int main()
[*] int choice;
[*] load();
[*] system("CLS");
[*] do
[*] {
[*] choice = menu();
[*] switch(choice)
[*] {
[*] case 1: enter();
[*] break;
[*] case 2: customer_search();
[*] break;
[*] case 3: AccNo_search();
[*] break;
[*] case 4: save();
[*] }
[*] } while(choice !=5);
[*] return 0;
[*] /* Return a menu selection*/
[*]int menu(void)
[*] int i;
[*] char str[80];
[*] printf("\t\n\aHallinan Savings Inc.\n\n");
[*] printf("1->Add Customer\n");
[*] printf("2->Search by Name\n");
[*] printf("3->Search by Account Number\n");
[*] printf("4->Save added Customers\n");
[*] printf("5->Quit\n");
[*] do
[*] {
[*] printf("Make your selection: ");
[*] gets(str);
[*] i = atoi(str);
[*] printf("\n");
[*] } while(i < 1 || i > 5);
[*] return i;
[*] /*Enter customer into file */
[*]void enter()
[*] int i;
[*] char temp[80];
[*] for (i = top; i<MAX ; i++)
[*] {
[*] cat[i] = malloc(sizeof(struct catalog));
[*] if(!cat[i])
[*] {
[*] printf("Out Of Memory\n");
[*] return;
[*] }
[*] printf("Enter customer name (ENTER to Quit):");
[*] gets(cat[i] -> name);
[*] if(!*cat[i] -> name)
[*] break;
[*] createFile(cat[i] -> name);
[*] printf("\nEnter AccNo: ");
[*] gets(cat[i] -> AccNo);
[*] printf("\nEnter address: ");
[*] gets(cat[i] -> address);
[*] printf("\nEnter year: ");
[*] gets(temp);
[*] cat[i] -> date = (unsigned) atoi(temp);
[*] printf("\nEnter month: ");
[*] gets(temp);
[*] cat[i] -> month = (unsigned) atoi(temp);
[*] }
[*] top =i ;
[*]/* Search for customer */
[*]void customer_search()
[*] char name[80];
[*] char ans;
[*] int i , found;
[*] printf("Name: ");
[*] gets(name);
[*] found = 0;
[*] for (i=0; i<top; i++)
[*] {
[*] if (!strcmp(name,cat[i]->name))
[*] {
[*] display(i);
[*] found = 1;
[*] printf("\n");
[*] printf("\n\nWould you like to Open this customer file?(Y/N)");
[*] scanf("%c",&ans);
[*] if(ans == 'y' || ans =='Y')
[*] {
[*] i-1;
[*] openFile(cat[i]->name);
[*] }
[*] }
[*] }
[*] if(!found)
[*] printf("Not Found\n");
[*]void AccNo_search()
[*] char AccNo[80],ans;
[*] int i , found;
[*] printf("AccNo: ");
[*] gets(AccNo);
[*] found = 0;
[*] for (i=0; i<top; i++)
[*] {
[*] if (!strcmp(AccNo,cat[i] -> AccNo))
[*] {
[*] display(i);
[*] found = 1;
[*] printf("\n\nWould you like to Open this customer file?(Y/N)");
[*] scanf("%c",&ans);
[*] if(ans == 'y' || ans =='Y')
[*] {
[*] i-1;
[*] openFile(cat[i]->name);
[*] }
[*] printf("\n");
[*] }
[*] }
[*] if(!found)
[*] printf("Not Found\n");
[*] /*Display entries*/
[*]int display(int i)
[*] system("CLS");
[*] printf("%s\n",cat[i]->AccNo);
[*] printf("Account Holder Name: %s\n",cat[i]->name);
[*] printf("address: %s\n",cat[i]->address);
[*] printf("Year and Month: %u %u ",cat[i]->date,cat[i]->month);
[*] /*load file*/
[*]void load(void)
[*] FILE *fp;
[*] FILE *fp2;
[*] int i;
[*] if((fp =fopen("index","rb"))==NULL)
[*] {
[*] printf("File does not exist on disk");
[*] return;
[*] }
[*] if(fread(&top,sizeof top,1,fp) !=1)
[*] {
[*] printf("Error Reading count");
[*] }
[*] for (i=0 ; i < top ; i++)
[*] {
[*] cat[i] = malloc(sizeof(struct catalog));
[*] if (!cat[i])
[*] {
[*] printf("Out of Memory->\n");
[*] top = i-1;
[*] break;
[*] }
[*] if(fread(cat[i], sizeof(struct catalog),1,fp) !=1)
[*] {
[*] printf("Error reading customer data->\n");
[*] }
[*] }
[*] if((fp2 =fopen("bank","rb"))== NULL )
[*] {
[*] printf("File does not exist on disk");
[*] return;
[*] }
[*] if(fread(&top,sizeof top,1,fp2) !=1)
[*] {
[*] printf("Error Reading count");
[*] // exit(1);
[*] }
[*] for (i=0 ; i < top ; i++)
[*] {
[*] bank[i] = malloc(sizeof(struct bank));
[*] if (!bank[i])
[*] {
[*] printf("Out of Memory->\n");
[*] top = i-1;
[*] break;
[*] }
[*] if(fread(bank[i], sizeof(struct bank),1,fp2) !=1)
[*] {
[*] printf("Error reading catalog data->\n");
[*] // exit(1);
[*] }
[*] }
[*] fclose(fp2);
[*] fclose(fp);
[*]/* Save the catalog file */
[*]void save()
[*] FILE *fp;
[*] int i;
[*] if((fp =fopen("index","w+"))==NULL)
[*] {
[*] printf("Cant open file->\n");
[*] exit(1);
[*] }
[*] if(fwrite(&top,sizeof top,1,fp) !=1)
[*] {
[*] printf("Error Writting count.\n");
[*] exit(1);
[*] }
[*] for(i=0 ; i < top ; i++)
[*] {
[*] if(fwrite(cat[i], sizeof(struct catalog), 1, fp) != 1)
[*] printf("Error writing count.\n");
[*] }
[*] fclose(fp);
[*]void createFile(char *filename)
[*] FILE *fp;
[*] int i;
[*] if((fp =fopen(filename,"wb+"))==NULL)
[*] {
[*] printf("\nCant open file->\n");
[*] exit(1);
[*] }
[*] if(fwrite(&top,sizeof top,1,fp) !=1)
[*] {
[*] printf("\nError Writting count.\n");
[*] }
[*] for(i=0 ; i < top ; i++)
[*] {
[*] if(fwrite(cat[i], sizeof(struct catalog), 1, fp) != 1)
[*] printf("\nError writing count.\n");
[*] }
[*] fclose(fp);
[*]void openFile(char *file)
[*] FILE *fp;
[*] int i;
[*] printf("%s OPENED!!",file);
[*] if((fp =fopen(file,"rb"))==NULL)
[*] {
[*] printf("\nFile does not exist on disk");
[*] return;
[*] }
[*] if(fread(&top,sizeof top,1,fp) !=1)
[*] {
[*] printf("\nError Reading count");
[*] }
[*] for (i=0 ; i < top ; i++)
[*] {
[*] acc[i] = malloc(sizeof(struct Account));
[*] if (!acc[i])
[*] {
[*] printf("\nOut of Memory->\n");
[*] top = i-1;
[*] break;
[*] }
[*] if(fread(acc[i], sizeof(struct Account),1,fp) !=1)
[*] {
[*] printf("\nError reading customer data->\n");
[*] }
[*] }