
Program name: MonthlySales.java
Author: Dominick Saccoccio
Date: 2-19-08
Description: The program provides an end-of-the-year sales analysis for a company.
The revenue contains total sales for each month, where revenue
={ 16692, 2504, 2463, 1857, 2369, 2684, 3374, 2630, 2531, 1928, 2692, 2578}
presents the sales of January to December.

public class MonthlySales

private final int JANUARY = 1;
private final int DECEMBER = 12;
private int [ ] REVENUE = { 0, 16692, 2504, 2463, 1857, 2369,3684, 2374, 2630, 2531, 1928, 2692, 2578 };

public int total ( ) sum= sum + i;

public int average ( )

public int hightestMonth ( )

public int monthsRevenue (int month)

public void printTable ( )

} // end of MonthlySales class

And you've done how much work on this assignment already?

You're definitely going to need to do more work on it then what you posted if you expect to receive any help at all.

i am a freshman trying to figure out these problems and I am lost thats what i know is right, but i dont know what to put into the program for the sorting ad the highest and total

Do some research on sorting arrays. In 10 minutes you could find all the information you need. Do a quick "sorting arrays in Java" search, read what they tell you and go from there.

Reading the class notes would help as well, as instructors usually cover these concepts before making assignments on them.

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