i have a group header on a data report(Section6), ill use this section to view the Comp. Name, Ip Add.. etc... while the detail section(Section1) will be used to view the applications used by each comp. obviously, each has thier own tables.

my question is, How am i going to set the data report (section6) datasource? the output should be like this:

------Group header (section6) ---------------

Comp Name: xxxxxx
IP Address: xxx.xxx.xx.xx

-------Details(section1) -----------------
Applications Used: Flash, VB, etc...

How am i going to achieve this?

i have solved this..

since i dont know how to group a recordset programmatically, i did this using a data environment(DE). i set the group there, drag the fields to the data report group header(Section6), drag the fields that belong to details(section1)... then presto! solved!

i had another solution for this problem.
Solved it programmatically..

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