I need help on these errors I get, I don't know how to fix them. Can someone help me please.
theiving.java:6: <identifier> expected
public void theiving(playerId) {
theiving.java:8: illegal start of expression
public int stealtimer;
theiving.java:143: illegal start of type
if ((c.objectID == 4462))
theiving.java:143: <identifier> expected
if ((c.objectID == 4462))
theiving.java:160: illegal start of type
if ((c.objectID == 4463))
theiving.java:160: <identifier> expected
if ((c.objectID == 4463))
theiving.java:179: illegal start of type
if (c.NPCID == 7) { //THEIVING farmer
theiving.java:179: <identifier> expected
if (c.NPCID == 7) { //THEIVING farmer
theiving.java:186: illegal start of type
} else if (c.NPCID == 4) { //THEIVING woman
theiving.java:186: <identifier> expected
} else if (c.NPCID == 4) { //THEIVING woman
theiving.java:193: illegal start of type
} else if (c.NPCID == 15) { //THEIVING warrior gaurd
theiving.java:193: <identifier> expected
} else if (c.NPCID == 15) { //THEIVING warrior gaurd
theiving.java:200: illegal start of type
} else if (c.NPCID == 20) { //THEIVING pala
theiving.java:200: <identifier> expected
} else if (c.NPCID == 20) { //THEIVING pala
theiving.java:211: class, interface, or enum expected
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
public class theiving {
public void theiving(playerId) {
client c = (client) server.playerHandler.players[playerId];
public int stealtimer;
public void TheifStall2(String stallName, String message, int lvlReq, int XPamount, int item, int itemAmount, int delay, int emote) {
if(c.playerLevel[17] >= lvlReq) {
c.addItem(item, itemAmount);
c.addSkillXP(XPamount, 17);
c.actionTimer = delay;
else if(c.playerLevel[17] < lvlReq) {
c.sendMessage("You need a theiving level of "+lvlReq+" to theif from this stall.");
public void pickpocking() {
if(stealtimer <= 0 && c.EntangleDelay <= 0){
if(misc.random(6) <= 3) {
c.EntangleDelay = 4;
stealtimer = 15;
c.updateRequired = true;
c.appearanceupdateRequired = true;
} else if (misc.random(6) >= 4) {
c.stillgfx(348, c.absY, c.absX, 100);
c.sendMessage("you failed to pick-pock him!");
} else if(stealtimer >= 1) {
c.sendMessage("Slow down!");
} else if(c.EntangleDelay >= 1) {
c.sendMessage("You can't pick-pock now because you are stunned!");
public void pickpocking2() {
if(stealtimer <= 0 && c.EntangleDelay <= 0){
if(misc.random(6) <= 3) {
c.EntangleDelay = 4;
stealtimer = 20;
c.updateRequired = true;
c.appearanceupdateRequired = true;
} else if (misc.random(6) >= 4) {
c.stillgfx(348, c.absY, c.absX, 100);
c.sendMessage("you failed to pick-pock her!");
} else if(stealtimer >= 1) {
c.sendMessage("Slow down!");
} else if(c.EntangleDelay >= 1) {
c.sendMessage("You can't pick-pock now because you are stunned!");
public void pickpocking3() {
if(stealtimer <= 0 && c.EntangleDelay <= 0){
if(misc.random(6) <= 3) {
c.EntangleDelay = 4;
stealtimer = 15;
c.updateRequired = true;
c.appearanceupdateRequired = true;
} else if (misc.random(6) >= 4) {
c.stillgfx(348, c.absY, c.absX, 100);
c.sendMessage("you failed to pick-pock her!");
} else if(stealtimer >= 1) {
c.sendMessage("Slow down!");
} else if(c.EntangleDelay >= 1) {
c.sendMessage("You can't pick-pock now because you are stunned!");
public void pickpocking4() {
if(stealtimer <= 0 && c.EntangleDelay <= 0){
if(misc.random(6) <= 3) {
c.EntangleDelay = 4;
stealtimer = 15;
c.updateRequired = true;
c.appearanceupdateRequired = true;
} else if (misc.random(6) >= 4) {
c.stillgfx(348, c.absY, c.absX, 100);
c.sendMessage("you failed to pick-pock him!");
} else if(stealtimer >= 1) {
c.sendMessage("Slow down!");
} else if(c.EntangleDelay >= 1) {
c.sendMessage("You can't pick-pock now because you are stunned!");
public void robman()
c.sendMessage("You pickpocket the farmer");
c.addItem(995, 100);
c.addSkillXP(100, 17);
public void robmanfail()
c.EntangleDelay = 30;
public void thieffail()
c.EntangleDelay = 30;
public void robfarmer()
c.sendMessage("You pickpocket the herbalist");
c.addItem(Item.randomherb(), 1);
c.addSkillXP(200, 17);
public void robwoman()
c.sendMessage("You pickpocket the warrior woman");
c.addItem(Item.randomfarm(), misc.random(3));
c.addSkillXP(350, 17);
public void robpala()
c.sendMessage("You pickpocket the paladin guard");
c.addItem(Item.randomfly(), misc.random(12));
c.addSkillXP(550, 17);
//object stuff
if ((c.objectID == 4462))
if(c.actionTimer <= 0 && c.EntangleDelay <= 0) {
if(misc.random(4) <= 2) {
TheifStall2("table", "You Steal 50gp!", 1, 40, Item.randomarmour(), 50, 40, 0x340); // keep off plz ... i loot i
}else if (misc.random(4) >= 3) {
c.stillgfx(348, c.absY, c.absX, 100);
c.sendMessage("you failed to steal from the table!");
} else if(c.actionTimer >= 1) {
//c.sendMessage("Slow down!");
} else if(c.EntangleDelay >= 1) {
c.sendMessage("You can't thief the table now because you are stunned!");
if ((c.objectID == 4463))
if(c.actionTimer <= 0 && c.EntangleDelay <= 0) {
if(misc.random(4) <= 1) {
TheifStall2("table", "You Steal 2 Rune Arrows", 1, 50, Item.randompot(), 2, 40, 0x340);
}else if (misc.random(4) >= 2) {
c.stillgfx(348, c.absY, c.absX, 100);
c.sendMessage("you failed to steal from the table!");
} else if(c.actionTimer >= 1) {
//c.sendMessage("Slow down!");
} else if(c.EntangleDelay >= 1) {
c.sendMessage("You can't thief the table now because you are stunned!");
//end of object stuff
//npc stuff
if (c.NPCID == 7) { //THEIVING farmer
if(c.playerLevel[17] >= 30) {
c.PutNPCCoords = true;
} else if(c.playerLevel[17] <= 29) {
c.sendMessage("You need a thieving lvl of 30 to pickpock the farmer");
} else if (c.NPCID == 4) { //THEIVING woman
if(c.playerLevel[17] >= 45) {
c.PutNPCCoords = true;
} else if(c.playerLevel[17] <= 44) {
c.sendMessage("You need a thieving lvl of 45 to pickpock the woman");
} else if (c.NPCID == 15) { //THEIVING warrior gaurd
if(c.playerLevel[17] >= 55) {
c.PutNPCCoords = true;
} else if(c.playerLevel[17] <= 54) {
c.sendMessage("You need a thieving lvl of 55 to pickpock the warrior woman");
} else if (c.NPCID == 20) { //THEIVING pala
if(c.playerLevel[17] >= 65) {
c.PutNPCCoords = true;
} else if(c.playerLevel[17] <= 64) {
c.sendMessage("You need a thieving lvl of 65 to pickpock the paladin guard");
//end of npc stuff