I have an error with template class and I can not understand what is the problem?
the code illustrate the arrangement of many of books by its publishers' names and if the books have same publisher arrange them by the title of the book .
the error is
instantiated from `int List<TYPE, KTYPE>::addNode(TYPE) [with TYPE = book, KTYPE = std::string]'
using namespace std;
struct book
string key1;
string key2;
string Title;
string Author;
string Publisher;
// Node Declaration
template <class TYPE>
struct NODE
TYPE data;
NODE *link;
}; // End of Node Declaration
// List Class Declaration
template <class TYPE, class KTYPE>
class List
NODE<TYPE> *head;
NODE<TYPE> *pos;
NODE<TYPE> *rear;
int count;
// Function Declarations
bool _insert (NODE<TYPE> *pPre,TYPE dataIn);
// void _delete (NODE<TYPE> *pPre,NODE<TYPE> *pLoc,TYPE *dataOutPtr);
bool _search (NODE<TYPE> **pPre, NODE<TYPE> **pLoc,KTYPE key,KTYPE key1);
List (void);
int addNode (TYPE dataIn);
}; // class List
// End of List Class Declaration
/* =============== List Constructor ==============
Initialize the list.
Pre Class is being instantiated
Post Class instantiated and initialized
template <class TYPE, class KTYPE>
List<TYPE, KTYPE> :: List (void)
// Statements
head = NULL;
pos = NULL;
rear = NULL;
count = 0;
} // List Constructor
/* ==================== addNode ===================
Inserts data into linked list.
Pre dataIn contains data to be inserted
Post Data inserted or error
Return -1 if overflow,
0 if successful,
1 if duplicate key
template <class TYPE, class KTYPE>
int List<TYPE, KTYPE> :: addNode (TYPE dataIn)
// Local Definitions
bool found;
bool success;
// Statements
found = _search (&pPre, &pLoc, dataIn.key1,dataIn.key2);
if (found)
// Duplicate keys not allowed
return (+1);
success = _insert (pPre, dataIn);
if (!success)
// Overflow
return (-1);
return (0);
} // addNode
/* ===================== _insert ====================
Inserts data into a new node in the linked list.
Pre Insertion location identified by pPre
dataIn contains data to be inserted
Post data inserted in linked list or overflow
Return true if successful, false if overflow
template <class TYPE, class KTYPE>
bool List<TYPE, KTYPE> :: _insert (NODE<TYPE> *pPre,TYPE dataIn)
// Local Definitions
NODE <TYPE> *pNew;
// Statements
if (! (pNew = new NODE<TYPE>))
return false;
pNew->data = dataIn;
pNew->link = NULL;
if (pPre == NULL)
// Adding before first node or to empty list.
pNew->link = head;
head = pNew;
} // if pPre
// Adding in middle or at end
pNew->link = pPre->link;
pPre->link = pNew;
} // if else
// Now check for add at end of list
if (pNew->link == NULL)
// Adding to empty list. Set rear
rear = pNew;
return true;
} // _insert
/* ==================== _search ===================
Searches list and passes back address of node
containing target and its logical predecessor.
Pre pPre is pointer variable for predecessor
pLoc is pointer variable for found node
key is search argument
Post pLoc points to first node equal/greater key
-or- null if target > key of last node
pPre points to largest node smaller than key
-or- null if target < key of first node
Return true if successful, false if not found
template <class TYPE, class KTYPE>
bool List<TYPE, KTYPE> :: _search (NODE<TYPE> **pPre, NODE<TYPE> **pLoc,KTYPE key,KTYPE key1)
// Statements
*pPre = NULL;
*pLoc = head;
if (count == 0)
return false;
// Test for argument > last node in list
if (key > rear->data.key1)
*pPre = rear;
*pLoc = NULL;
return false;
} // if
while (key > (*pLoc)->data.key1)
// Have not found search argument location
*pPre = *pLoc;
*pLoc = (*pLoc)->link;
} // while
if (key == (*pLoc)->data.key1)// argument found--success
if(key1== (*pLoc)->data.key2)
return true;
return false;
} // _search
int main()
book obj,obj1;
obj.Publisher="Addison Wesley";
obj1.Publisher="Addison Wesley";
return 0;
can any one help me with some explanation?
the code is written in Eclipse
sorry for weakly language,my native language is not english
Thank you so much