#include <iostream>

class base
		void print() { std::cout << "base" << std::endl; }

template< class B >
class der : public B
  int i;

		virtual void print() 
			std::cout << (B *)this << std::endl; B::print(); 

int main(int, char **)
	der< der< base > > inst;

output :


Any ideas why this prints the same pointer values?

Why not? It's the address of the same object called inst.

Nevermind.. I was thinking this would be different in the base class as opposed to the derived.

this is why I was confused:

class a { int i; };
class b { int i; };

class c : public a, public b
  void print() { printf("%p, %p\n", (a *)this, (b *)this); }

prints different values.

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