For the code posted below, a hangman game, how would I make it so after the conditions in the loop are evaluated, it goes back and asks for another letter input without an infinite loop?

// Kevin Richard
// Hangman.cpp
// Basic Hangman console game

-added char guess, and string lettersUsed.
-implemented help call.
-added void subfunctions for the body parts of the hanged man.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "iostream"
#include "string"
#include "cmath"
#include "ctime" 
#include "cstdlib"
#include "conio.h"

using namespace std;

void getString(string &, string &);
void head();
void headBody();
void headBodyLeftArm();
void headBodyRightArm();
void headBodyLeftLeg();
void dead();

int main()
	string guess;
	string lettersUsed;
	string choice;
	string hint;
	int triesLeft;
	int bodyCount;
	int position;

	getString(choice, hint);

	cout << "Enter a letter to guess or enter '!' for a hint." << endl;
	cout << "Input letter guess: ";
	cin >> guess;
	while(triesLeft != 0)
		if (guess == "!")	//May need its "" or == changed.
		cout << hint << endl;
			position = choice.find(guess);
			if(position = false)
				cout << "Incorrect guess!" << endl;
				lettersUsed = lettersUsed + guess;
				triesLeft = bodyCount--;
				cout << "That letter is in the word!" << endl;
				triesLeft = bodyCount;



	return 0;
void getString(string &choice, string &hint)
	string wordOne = "bases";
	string wordTwo = "catcher";
	string wordThree = "pitcher";
	string wordFour = "outfield";
	string wordFive = "infield";
	string wordSix = "bleachers";
	string wordSeven = "stadium";
	string wordEight = "peanuts";
	string wordNine = "batboy";
	string wordTen = "crowd";
	string lettersUsed;
	cout << "*************************" << endl;
	cout << "*        Hangman        *" << endl;
	cout << "*          v.1          *" << endl;
	cout << "*************************" << endl;
	Random number generator code found at:
	Posted by: Bob
	Daniweb IT Discussion Community Forums
	Thread: C++ Random Numbers

	int random_integer; 
	int lowest=1, highest=10; 
	int range=(highest-lowest)+1; 
	for(int index=0; index<2; index++)
		random_integer = lowest+int(range*rand()/(RAND_MAX + 1.0));
	End of C++ Random Number code as found on

	if(random_integer == 1)
		choice = wordOne;
		hint = "A sucessful batter will run the _____.";
	else if(random_integer == 2)
		choice = wordTwo;
		hint = "If the batter missed, the _____ gets the ball.";
	else if(random_integer == 3)
		choice = wordThree;
		hint = "Throws the ball at the batter.";
	else if(random_integer == 4)
		choice = wordFour;
		hint = "Further away than the outfield.";
	else if(random_integer == 5)
		choice = wordFive;
		hint = "Closer than the outfield.";
	else if(random_integer == 6)
		choice = wordSix;
		hint = "The worst seats in the house.";
	else if(random_integer == 7)
		choice = wordSeven;
		hint = "Shea or Madison Square Garden are examples of one of these.";
	else if(random_integer == 8)
		choice = wordEight;
		hint = "Buy me some _____ and Cracker Jacks...";
	else if(random_integer == 9)
		choice = wordNine;
		hint = "Runs after the bats when the batter throws them.";
	else if(random_integer == 10)
		choice = wordTen;
		hint = "For the world series, the stadium always has a big _____.";
	else if(random_integer > 10)
		choice = wordFive;
		hint = "Closer than the outfield.";
void head()
	cout << "       * *       " << endl;
	cout << "     *     *     " << endl;
	cout << "    *  x x  *    " << endl;
	cout << "    *       *    " << endl;
	cout << "     *     *     " << endl;
	cout << "       * *       " << endl;


void headBody()
	cout << "       * *       " << endl;
	cout << "     *     *     " << endl;
	cout << "    *  x x  *    " << endl;
	cout << "    *       *    " << endl;
	cout << "     *     *     " << endl;
	cout << "       * *       " << endl;
	cout << "       * *       " << endl;
	cout << "       * *       " << endl;
	cout << "       * *       " << endl;
	cout << "       * *       " << endl;
	cout << "       * *       " << endl;
	cout << "       * *       " << endl;
	cout << "       * *       " << endl;
	cout << "       * *       " << endl;
	cout << "       * *       " << endl;
	cout << "       * *       " << endl;


void headBodyLeftArm()
	cout << "       * *       " << endl;
	cout << "     *     *     " << endl;
	cout << "    *  x x  *    " << endl;
	cout << "    *       *    " << endl;
	cout << "*    *     *     " << endl;
	cout << " *     * *       " << endl;
	cout << "   *   * *       " << endl;
	cout << "     * * *       " << endl;
	cout << "       * *       " << endl;
	cout << "       * *       " << endl;
	cout << "       * *       " << endl;
	cout << "       * *       " << endl;
	cout << "       * *       " << endl;
	cout << "       * *       " << endl;
	cout << "       * *       " << endl;
	cout << "       * *       " << endl;


void headBodyRightArm()
	cout << "       * *       " << endl;
	cout << "     *     *     " << endl;
	cout << "    *  x x  *    " << endl;
	cout << "    *       *    " << endl;
	cout << "*    *     *    *" << endl;
	cout << " *     * *     * " << endl;
	cout << "   *   * *   *   " << endl;
	cout << "     * * * *     " << endl;
	cout << "       * *       " << endl;
	cout << "       * *       " << endl;
	cout << "       * *       " << endl;
	cout << "       * *       " << endl;
	cout << "       * *       " << endl;
	cout << "       * *       " << endl;
	cout << "       * *       " << endl;
	cout << "       * *       " << endl;


void headBodyLeftLeg()
	cout << "       * *       " << endl;
	cout << "     *     *     " << endl;
	cout << "    *  x x  *    " << endl;
	cout << "    *       *    " << endl;
	cout << "*    *     *    *" << endl;
	cout << " *     * *     * " << endl;
	cout << "   *   * *   *   " << endl;
	cout << "     * * * *     " << endl;
	cout << "       * *       " << endl;
	cout << "       * *       " << endl;
	cout << "       * *       " << endl;
	cout << "       * *       " << endl;
	cout << "       * *       " << endl;
	cout << "       * *       " << endl;
	cout << "       * *       " << endl;
	cout << "      *          " << endl;
	cout << "     *           " << endl;
	cout << "    *            " << endl;
	cout << "   *             " << endl;
	cout << "  *              " << endl;
	cout << " *               " << endl;
	cout << "*                " << endl;


void dead()
	cout << "       * *       " << endl;
	cout << "     *     *     " << endl;
	cout << "    *  x x  *    " << endl;
	cout << "    *       *    " << endl;
	cout << "*    *     *    *" << endl;
	cout << " *     * *     * " << endl;
	cout << "   *   * *   *   " << endl;
	cout << "     * * * *     " << endl;
	cout << "       * *       " << endl;
	cout << "       * *       " << endl;
	cout << "       * *       " << endl;
	cout << "       * *       " << endl;
	cout << "       * *       " << endl;
	cout << "       * *       " << endl;
	cout << "       * *       " << endl;
	cout << "      *   *      " << endl;
	cout << "     *     *     " << endl;
	cout << "    *       *    " << endl;
	cout << "   *         *   " << endl;
	cout << "  *           *  " << endl;
	cout << " *             * " << endl;
	cout << "*               *" << endl;


>>it goes back and asks for another letter input without an infinite loop?
Put lines 47 to 74 in an endless loop or a conditional loop when ends when some condition is met.

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