
I have a homework program to convert from postfix to infix, almost most of the functions are done but i can't make few functions to make the program run correctly

Please help me finishing the remaining functions

Here is the code

//  NextToken.h

#ifndef     NEXTTOKENH

#define     NEXTTOKENH

#include    <iostream>

using namespace std;

class NextToken
    NextToken( );
    void next_token( );
    void write_token( ) const;
    void write_token( char ) const;
    char get_token( ) const;
    void match( char );

    char token;

inline NextToken::NextToken( )

inline char NextToken::get_token( ) const
    return token;

inline void NextToken::write_token( ) const
    cout << " " << token;

inline void NextToken::write_token( char c ) const
    cout << " " << c;


// NextToken.ccp

#include    <iostream>
#include    "NextToken.h"

using namespace std;

void error( char, char * );

void NextToken::match( char et )
    if ( et == token )      // expected token et matches current token ?
        next_token();       // yes, read the next token
    else                    // otherwise it is a syntax error
        error( token, "match()" );

void NextToken::next_token( )
    char c;

    while ( cin.get( c ) )  // get the next char and store it in c
        if ( c == ' ' )
            ;               // ignore spaces
            break;          // found a non-blank input char

    token = c;              // remember the character token


// parser.ccp

#include    <iostream>
#include    <cstdlib>
#include    <cctype>
#include    "NextToken.h"

using namespace std;

void error      ( char, char * );
void expr       ( NextToken & );
void term       ( NextToken & );
void factor     ( NextToken & );
void moreterms  ( NextToken & );
void morefactors( NextToken & );

int main()
    NextToken nt;           // next input token

    expr( nt );             // handle expr()

    nt.write_token( '\n' );

    return 0;

// . . .

void error( char c, char *function )
    cerr << "\nsyntax error: ";
    cerr << "char is '" <<  c << "' in " << function << "\n";
    cout << "\n";

    exit( 1 );

And here is the assignment

Please use NextToken.h and NextToken.cpp from the examples in class.

Please use the grammar in the file grammar. Note that we have a few
more productions and some of the productions (like term) were modified.

Please modify parser.cpp that we used in class to accomodate the new or
modified productions.

So you get that far and quit? And we get to finish it for you, and we have no idea what's not working? Somehow I don't think I need an A that bad.

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