hi, I wanna to calculate the total in currency format $00.00. But the coding doesnt seems to work . Can u help me ?

total = Cstr(total) + Request.Cookies("jumlah")


CStr is used to Convert from other format to String Format then how can u add the values of the two variables. K. Anyway U can use Format function like below

MsgBox Format("32234324", "$00,00").
Try it


use format(MoneyValue,"currency")

'where 10000000.99 is the Amount
MsgBox Format("10000000.99", "#,###.00")

Text1.Text = Format$(CDbl(Format$(Text1.Text, "#,###,##0.00")) + CDbl(Format$(Text2.Text, "#,###,##0.00")), "$###,##0.00")

your comments such a weak./.

all of you is such a weak programmer..

mga bobo!~!!!

Is it so? then give the comment/solution for the thread instead of these type of comments. These comments doesn't make you are a good programmer or wht you expect. k.

Have a great day,
Shailaja :)

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