I'm trying to call up the pay, overtime, and totalpay that I get out of the second function. How do I do that? I think that's my problem. I get the following errors when I run the program:
How many hours did you work? 50
What is your rate of pay? 10
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Documents and Settings\R o n\Desktop\me\Programming\paychp71.py", line 47, in -toplevel-
File "C:\Documents and Settings\R o n\Desktop\me\Programming\paychp71.py", line 26, in main
findpay(hours, rate)
File "C:\Documents and Settings\R o n\Desktop\me\Programming\paychp71.py", line 22, in findpay
totalpay = pay + overtime
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'pay' referenced before assignment
def ask_hours():
hours = float(raw_input ("How many hours did you work? "))
rate = float(input ("What is your rate of pay? "))
return hours, rate
def findpay(hours, rate):
if hours <= 40:
pay = hours * rate
if hours > 40:
overtime = (hours - 40) * (rate * 1.5)
totalpay = pay + overtime
return pay, overtime, totalpay
def main() :
hours, rate = ask_hours()
findpay(hours, rate)
print "Pay rate", rate
if hours <= 40:
print "Regular hours", hours
elif hours >= 40:
print "Regular hours", 40
print "Overtime hours", (hours - 40)
if hours <= 40:
print "Regular pay", pay
elif hours > 40:
print "Regular pay", (40 * rate)
if hours < 40:
print "Overtime Pay", 0
elif hours > 40:
print "Overtime Pay", overtime
if hours <= 40:
print "Total Pay", pay
elif hours > 40:
print "Total Pay", totalpay