I have this to file.First


10 20 30 60 90 50 40

and itik.txt

a b c d e f g h i

How to call read and write the ayam.txt and itik.txt into one file.

which first i would like to cout the ayam.txt and then itik.txt.

U use ifstream and ofstream that is to read u use ifstream and to write u use ofstream..... assuming that u have declared the ofstream and ifstream files but to make a long story short....

U have to declare ur ifstream and ofstream files.... u can achieve that by doing the ff ifstream in_file; and ofstream out_file; and then U need to open them that is reading and writting using in_file.open("eyam.txt"); and out_file.open("eyam.txt"); u use ifstream variable to read and ofstream's to write so U will have something like out_file << number; whatever u wana write and use in_file to read whatever u wana read

I have this to file.First


10 20 30 60 90 50 40

and itik.txt

a b c d e f g h i

How to call read and write the ayam.txt and itik.txt into one file.

which first i would like to cout the ayam.txt and then itik.txt.

#include <iostream.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <fstream.h>

ofstream output_file("out.4", ios::app);


   public:      // public interfaces for this class

        MERGE_FILE(char *, int);	
        MERGE_FILE operator + (MERGE_FILE &); 

   private: // private var to be used by this class only 

	char inputs[20][10];  // char array to hold file inputs
	char in_file[10]; 	   // array to hold input file name


MERGE_FILE::MERGE_FILE(char * i_f, int x)
	ifstream input_file(in_file, ios::in);
	int i;
	if (strcmp(i_f, "empty")==0)
		strcpy(in_file,"No input file");
	else if (strcmp(i_f, "empty")!=0)
		n=x; //number of inputs to read
		for (i=0;i<n;i++)
                        input_file>> inputs[i];
		output_file<<"INPUT FILE NAME IS "<<i_f<<"."<<endl;
		output_file<<"Read  "<<n<<" inputs "<<endl;
	else {}	 

MERGE_FILE::operator + (MERGE_FILE & other_obj)

	int i;
        MERGE_FILE temp_obj("empty",0);
        temp_obj.n =n + other_obj;
        for (i=0; i<n; i++)
                 temp_obj.intputs= inputs[i];
        output_file<<" Theres "<< n<< " inputs in first file"<<endl;
        output_file<<" Theres "<<other_obj.n<< " inputs in second file"<<endl;
        output_file<<" Total inputs equal "<<temp_obj.n<<endl;
        return temp_obj;

now all you need to do is save as an header file and initiate this class in your main file and it should merge your files, haven't tested but it's a start. so you work the bugs out

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