Please help. I really need to find out how to get a data value from one for onto another form.
For example I put a value in an edit box in Form1 and I want that same value to be in Form2, but if I were to chage the value in Form1 the value in Form2 would also change, without me having to touch it.

If you don't understand what I'm asking plese say. Also I'll be willing to show you my program if you need to further understand what I'm stuck on.

Thank you for reading

First of all you need the form names in your uses clauses - if you have the editbox in formOne and want to use the value in formTwo, in formTwo's uses clause, you must have a reference to formOne.

Then to access the value in formTwo, you simply use formOne.editbox.text ...

I hope this makes sense! ;-)

It kinda makes sense.

You know you said " formTwo's uses clause..." what is a clause?
I'm sorry if that question seems dumb.
Thank you for your help though!

I have heard of delphie, but I have never used it. Sorry I cannot help at this time.

It kinda makes sense.

You know you said " formTwo's uses clause..." what is a clause?
I'm sorry if that question seems dumb.
Thank you for your help though!

The uses clause is the bit at the top where it says

Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs;" etc.

oh right I see =)


1.go to the file tab and click " new form"
2. put a button on the form1
double click the button and go top, on the implementation.
under implementation, put " uses unit2; ( since you have two forms)
then go down under begin and put this code:
button1.enabled:= false;;
// then it will take you to form 2

then you put anything to your form1 and put the code i gave you and it will take you to form 2

if it gives error just email me on ( i am also a newbie in delphi but i get help from my friend's father(programmer). feel free to send me emails

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