I have an exam tomorrow and just going over quizzes I did not do all that good in and was wanting to know if anyone could assist me w\ my mistakes

Quiz 6

This question asks me to put in the output

int Function_one(int y, int x);
int main()
int x = 9,
y = 12,
z = Function_One(x,y);
cout << x << " " << y << " " << z << endl;
return 0;
int Function_one(omt y, int x)
x = 2
return (y/x)

The output I put was:

9 12 6

the 6 was wrong and could someone tell me what I did wrong

I have an exam tomorrow and just going over quizzes I did not do all that good in and was wanting to know if anyone could assist me w\ my mistakes

Quiz 6

This question asks me to put in the output

int Function_one(int y, int x);
int main()
int x = 9,
y = 12,
z = Function_One(x,y);
cout << x << " " << y << " " << z << endl;
return 0;
int Function_one(omt y, int x)
x = 2
return (y/x)

The output I put was:

9 12 6

the 6 was wrong and could someone tell me what I did wrong

It's kind of a trick question. look at this (function call):

z = Function_One(x,y);

Now look at the function (you have a typo, but i can tell what you meant here):

int Function_one(omt y, int x)

Notice that in the call, it's ordered (x, y) and in the function the parameters are this: (y, x). x comes before y in the call, but y comes before x in the function itself. So what is the value of y that is received by the function?

9/2 int returns a 5?

9/2 int returns a 5?

For me it returns 4.

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