For Mobile Applications carbide C++ is better or j2me is better?

neither. Use Visual Studio 5.0 or newer.

but in visual studio 5.0 or newer u can make mobile applications only for windows os.isnt it?
wat abt symbian os?

>>but in visual studio 5.0 or newer u can make mobile applications only for windows os.isnt it?

>>wat abt symbian os?
That's an os ? :S But seriously, I don't know, never used it.

symbian os is for mobiles.

So is Visual Studio -- Mobile 5.0 operating system. But you mean smartphones like on our cell phones. Don't know a thing about that.

I think J2ME Applications targets wide range of mobiles, while symbian OS has its own (change C++). I will suggests you to use Carbide for symbian development and j2ME ask anyone who knows j2me. I never worked on J2ME. but has enjoyed little development on Carbide :).

I want to made project in c++ using mobile applications.I m doing IT graduation.And I have to made semester project

That's nice -- no one here is going to stop you.

wow, this thread is still alive after 2 whole years heh :)

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