Hi all,
im a beginner to programming Python with Tkinter.
I have a windows with 2 form: 1 Listbox and 1 Textarea that load a txt file.
The Listbox contains a name of chapters.
How can I make because click on the listbox scroll the text inside the textarea a the corresponding chapter?
Thanks to all

Here is an example that should get most of the way there. All you need to do is to supply the search string from the listbox selection:

# searching a long text for a string and scrolling to it
# use ctrl+c to copy, ctrl+x to cut selected text,
# ctrl+v to paste, and ctrl+/ to select all

import Tkinter as tk

def display(data):
    """creates a text display area with a vertical scrollbar"""
    scrollbar = tk.Scrollbar(root)
    text1 = tk.Text(root, yscrollcommand=scrollbar.set)
    text1.insert(0.0, data)
    scrollbar.pack(side='right', fill='y')
    text1.pack(side='left', expand=0, fill='both')
    # could bring the search string in from a listbox selection
    pattern = "Chapter 3"
    # line.char(lines start at 1, characters at 0)
    start = "1.0"
    # returns eg. "31.0" --> line 31, character 0
    index = text1.search(pattern, start)
    # scroll text until index line is visible
    # might move to the top line of text field
root = tk.Tk()

str1 = """\
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
The End



Ok thanks for the help. This problem is solved!
Hours trying to call through the listbox...
Bye Hud

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