I've created a program that writes info to a specific file and reading from it to generate an income report. The problem I'm having is that when I geerate my report, the last person that was entered is repeated twice, hence throwing off the grand total. Here's the bit of code:
This is how info gets to the file.
rm_num = section.room_connec.room_num;
fseek ( roomPtr, ( rm_num - 1 ) * sizeof( ROOM_DATA ), SEEK_SET );
fread ( &room, sizeof( ROOM_DATA ), 1, roomPtr );
// Writes to guest_history file
fseek( logger, ( NULL ) * sizeof( ADMISSION_DATA ), SEEK_SET ); // &&&&&&&& END
fread( §ion, sizeof ( ADMISSION_DATA ), 1, logger );
section.cancel = 1; // 1 = reservation was NOT cancelled
section.charge = room.room_rate * .01;
fseek( logger, ( NULL ) * sizeof( ADMISSION_DATA ), SEEK_SET ); // &&&&&&&& END
fwrite( §ion, sizeof( ADMISSION_DATA ), 1, logger );
if((logger = fopen("guest_history.txt", "ab")) == NULL )
printf("\nGuest history file could not be creted");
rm_num = section.room_connec.room_num;
fseek ( roomPtr, ( rm_num - 1 ) * sizeof( ROOM_DATA ), SEEK_SET );
fread ( &room, sizeof( ROOM_DATA ), 1, roomPtr );
// Writes to guest_history file
fseek( logger, ( NULL ) * sizeof( ADMISSION_DATA ), SEEK_SET ); // &&&&&&&& END
fread( §ion, sizeof ( ADMISSION_DATA ), 1, logger );
section.cancel = 2; // 2 = reservation was cancelled
section.charge = room.room_rate * .01;
fseek( logger, ( NULL ) * sizeof( ADMISSION_DATA ), SEEK_SET ); // &&&&&&&& END
fwrite( §ion, sizeof( ADMISSION_DATA ), 1, logger );
// end of guest_history writer
The Income Report Function
void incomereport()
FILE *logger;
float total_cancel = 0.00, total_chk_out = 0.00, grand_total = 0.00;
if(( logger = fopen("guest_history.txt", "rb")) == NULL )
printf("\nGuest history file could not be opened");
cprintf( "---------------CHECKED-OUT GUESTS---------------" );
while (!feof( logger ) )
fread( §ion, sizeof (ADMISSION_DATA), 1, logger );
if( section.cancel == 1)
cprintf("First Name:"); printf("\t%s\n", section.first_name);
cprintf("Last Name:"); printf("\t%s\n", section.last_name);
cprintf("Middle I.:"); printf("\t%s\t\t", section.MI);
cprintf("Charge:"); printf("\t\t%.2f\n", section.charge);
cprintf("Guest Num:"); printf("\t%d\t\t", section.guest_num);
cprintf("Duration:"); printf("\t%d\n\n", section.length_stay);
total_chk_out += section.charge;
rewind( logger );
cprintf( "---------------CANCELLED RESERVATIONS---------------" );
while (!feof( logger ) )
fread( §ion, sizeof (ADMISSION_DATA), 1, logger );
if( section.cancel == 2)
cprintf("First Name:"); printf("\t%s\n", section.first_name);
cprintf("Last Name:"); printf("\t%s\n", section.last_name);
cprintf("Middle I.:"); printf("\t%s\t\t", section.MI);
cprintf("Charge:"); printf("\t\t%.2f\n", section.charge);
cprintf("Guest Num:"); printf("\t%d\t\t", section.guest_num);
cprintf("Duration:"); printf("\t%d\n\n", section.length_stay);
total_cancel += section.charge;
grand_total = total_chk_out + total_cancel;
printf("TOTAL CANCELLATIONS:\t$ %.2f\nINCOME:\t\t\t$ %.2f\nGRAND TOTAL:\t\t$ %.2f", total_cancel, total_chk_out, grand_total);
fclose( logger );