I'm making a text adventure game, and it's actually coming along quite nicely...the only thing is, I want to be able to return to the previous screen whenever I want.
Say that in my game, I go north. I want to be able to go south, back to my main screen. (I'm doing switch & cases in here btw.) So what do I do? I can't do a case 'S' because there's already one for going south on the main screen.
So, I got this idea: I can put the main part of my game (the four paths I can take at the beginning) into a separate file and call it whenever. I don't really know how to do that though.
And then I started thinking..."What if I was 5 screens away from the paths instead of just 1? I wouldn't be able to just 'jump' to the beginning..."
So can anyone help me? here's the link for my code...
btw, just ignore the "window closing out" comment...I got that fixed.
okay.....I found out something I didn't know and now I can do other stuff....But i still need help with the original problem...