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581 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for The Dude
Member Avatar for mnoizinum

Can we see the total program that you are trying to compile :) Because i cant find any reason to understand what might have gone wrong.

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for student_x

SHOULD you decide the winner by looking at the number of possibilities of winning? As in if bob has 300 strategies of winning and Alice has 299? Should we decide Bob as the winner?

Member Avatar for G._1
Member Avatar for tiger86

I've been to a seminar in which the guy made up a website in C# with Visual Studio. However on later observation. Only the backend was written in C#. All of the front end was generated in HTML and php codes itself. Maybe you should check it out then.It myt …

Member Avatar for zelrick
Member Avatar for Anna123

> Thanks a lot in advance for help. We can surely help you out. Put in some effort and let us know where you're having trouble. Just posting the question and expecting an answer is not what this forum is all about.

Member Avatar for Anna123
Member Avatar for spopivich

The compiler does a very good job in telling you what is confusing it. Its your job to figure out what can you do to fix it. Lets just examine few of the errors that you've got. symbol: variable product location: class inventoryTest F:\Java Programming\ error: cannot find symbol product[0] …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for abaddon2031

Interesting, So you wish to write a script that upload files via HTTP. The key to this would probably be in 2 steps. 1. Authenticating yourself with the server. You would probably need some way to authenticate yourself, Maybe a session id or other cookies will be returned to you. …

Member Avatar for abaddon2031
Member Avatar for new_2_java

System.out.println("Old Password: " + new String(oldUnicodePassword)); System.out.println("New Password: " + oldUnicodePassword); System.out.println("Old unicode Password: " + new String(newUnicodePassword)); System.out.println("Old unicode Password: " + newUnicodePassword); This snippet doesn't match to your output. Have you made any modifications?

Member Avatar for new_2_java
Member Avatar for kamalashraf

Are you having any errors when you try to compile this? Giving out the errors or behavior would surely be beneficial :).

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for umairisrar

Could you please implement the event-driven simulation for us too. Please provide snippets of your work or possible questions rather than pasting your assignment.

Member Avatar for Sky Diploma
Member Avatar for nmunemo
Member Avatar for John A.

To add to what snippsat said, Just consider, What would happen if your code comes through an anchor like the following `<a class='sd-link-color'></a>` Since it doesn't hold an 'href' attribute, I am assuming that `url = (line.get('href'))` would result to None. That's causing your error. Since the get method defaults …

Member Avatar for Sky Diploma
Member Avatar for ritu.bhandari.796

Hi Ritu, Could you post some code of yours and then discuss where you are having problems. That way, we would have a better understanding of what you wish to do.

Member Avatar for Sky Diploma
Member Avatar for biljith

What exactly does the OP mean by shorter? Shorter in code ? Or Shorter in execution time ? Or something else? I dont see why there is a need to change the current program into something shorter. However, I would sure recommend you to use a newer compiler.

Member Avatar for ReaseySo
Member Avatar for daviddoria

You can do something like try to give the computer coordinates and then take a whole screenshot of your computer After that cut of all other parts except the selected coordinates. OOPS LATE ANSWER

Member Avatar for dougy83
Member Avatar for Doctor Inferno
Member Avatar for profyou read the topic about the "Jumper Settings" carefully I believe you have ATA hard disks and Jumper settings alone can set up the configuration to MASTER or SLAVE etc. Once you do that, you will need to update your configuration on the BIOS.

Member Avatar for Rik_
Member Avatar for PolarClaw

I am not good at using TEX, because I have never used it before. However I would like you all to make an assumption Let Capital 'C' mean or [TEX]C[/TEX] mean the Combinations. Or [TEX](n!)/(n-r)! * r![/TEX] Where '!' represents the factorial values. So next we just take the normal …

Member Avatar for H A hashim
Member Avatar for bramprakash1989

Well i have seen your code. It actually can create random numbers from the whole integer set. Therefore i have just edited the whole program and made it such that it will get random numbers from 0 to 50. Please dont copy the code but, Check out how the loop …

Member Avatar for dramatic
Member Avatar for happygeek

I remember the time 3 years ago where in I was facing the option of choosing what is a secure skill set (Accounting) in India or doing a degree in Computer Science (Undergraduate). With the recession coming in and some IT companies going into Severe losses. It took a while …

Member Avatar for Seten
Member Avatar for RIJIN
Member Avatar for Viped

Hi, I'm assuming that the Java Content Security Policy is not allowing the applet to read the file. ( if you are running the application through appletviewer etc. ) Or do you have the images and applet bundled in a jar file?

Member Avatar for jalpesh_007
Member Avatar for singularity~

I dont think you need the '/i' at the end when you already have RegexOptions.IgnoreCase . The whole p Try this out. Match large = Regex.Match(file, @"^.*(_Large).(jpeg)$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

Member Avatar for singularity~
Member Avatar for globetrotter_me

Hi, Welcome to Daniweb. `die("Invalid Key. Script Stopped!")` should be followed by a ';' semi-colon. :D

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Frensi

`time.clock()` gives different outputs when we look at its implementation in linux vs the implementation in windows. thereby we need to first determine which OS are you making the game for. Stating that, line 25 and 26 of the above snippet seems to indicate that you re-assign `clock_start` everytime in …

Member Avatar for Sky Diploma
Member Avatar for MattyRobot

Yes, the source files contain the c++ source where as the BIN files contain the actual executable or some times the "Disk Images". So no-wonder you get those errors as they arent even declared anywhere.

Member Avatar for Mallot
Member Avatar for rekhamanoj

Well Xls files are written in BIFF format. therefore i think that we should read them in hexadecimal and then convert them into ASCII. If it is possible for you to edit the excel file i think you should store it into ".csv" extention. CSV stands for Comma Separated Values …

Member Avatar for Prakash.sit
Member Avatar for sniper29

There are many Mistakes in your Program. Some of them i have found. But i will not post the total code for you i will only point the mistakes and you should solve them on your own. So here Goes: 1)In your Program You are using functions like "cout<<" and …

Member Avatar for YoDjinthehouse
Member Avatar for warpstar

Next isn't likely an operator or method. I believe its just a member variable with a reference to the next Element

Member Avatar for warpstar
Member Avatar for riahc3

Maybe you should try type-casting it into "bool" or an "int". As stdClass is rather a dynamic Object. I think it would do some good.

Member Avatar for pritaeas

The End.