New research based upon the findings of the Guardian UK300 has revealed that IT students in the UK most want to work for Google, Apple, Microsoft, IBM or Intel in that order. Failing that, then they would like to end up working with MI6 (the Secret Intelligence Service), MI5 (the Security Service) or at GCHQ (the Government Communications Headquarters).
The Guardian UK 300 itself is compiled from one of the biggest ever student surveys of UK employers, and in that survey the students were asked both which career sectors interest them the most and who they wanted to work for within those sectors. Based upon the trendence Graduate Barometer survey of around 16,000 students, it qualifies as the most representative survey of its kind. Further research by trendence has revealed that IT students in particular have a lot to be happy about. They are:
The most optimistic when it comes to future careers, with 'only' 49% being worried about the future compared to 66% of law students and 59% of engineering students for example.
The least likely to look for work abroad, with only 13% considering this as an option after graduating.
The most keen to get straight into the workplace, with just 5% planning a gap year compared to 23% of law students and 13% of engineering students.
The least likely to work long hours, with 42 hours being the average expected weekly shift compared to 44 hours for engineering students and 52 hours for law students.
The least likely to work for free, with just 37% saying they would do so to gain a good internship compared to 42% of engineering students and 51% of law students.
If you are an IT student at the moment, how do these findings gel with your aspirations? Any ring of truth in them or do you disagree totally? If you have long since graduated, how did the reality turn out? Join the DaniWeb conversation by letting us know using the comment box below.