How to do programming in Image processing in java?
I have searched on it.I got info abt JAI.But Can i get detail documentation or another library
for image matching code in java.

I want to match two JPEG images in java.That images are of birds.
Can any1 help me out?


Hi aim and welcome to DaniWeb,

I'm a little unsure about what you mean by "image matching"? Do you mean you have two images in JPEG format and you want a program to work out if they are the same image?

Also, I should point out that we are not allowed to do your homework for you, but we can try to guide you in your efforts. Perhaps you could tell us what you are thinking of doing for your problem? (That might also help us to determine what you are after...)

Hi aim and welcome to DaniWeb,

I'm a little unsure about what you mean by "image matching"? Do you mean you have two images in JPEG format and you want a program to work out if they are the same image?

Also, I should point out that we are not allowed to do your homework for you, but we can try to guide you in your efforts. Perhaps you could tell us what you are thinking of doing for your problem? (That might also help us to determine what you are after...)


I want to match two JPEG images of same bird with the help of features of bird like sub-image(i.e beak,feather,legs etc) to the other image of bird.For this i want Image processing library used in java.
I have searched abt library but there are no detail API available.for JAI library it gives some error in program.
I haven't found API related to edge detection,Segmentation in java uptil now.
Can you tell me if you get my problem?

JAI offers plenty of functions for your task, but if you are expecting to find some "MatchImage" API you are probably out of luck. You have to code such algorithms yourself because there are many ways to go about it.

Hi, Ezzaral
Actually i have gone through documentation of JAI.I am not totally search of MatchImage API as u said.But i want API that will help me to do image match.Such as edge detection,Segmentation etc.
As per i have searched i didn't get that much info.
Have you worked on JAI?U have any detail Info plz help me.

Then perhaps you are not searching very effectively because a simple search on JAI edge extraction or jai edge detection located the following information easily:

Using JAI's built-in GradientMagnitude operation for edge extraction
An example of a simple ColvolveOp with the Sobel operator.

This site seems to have a ton of JAI stuff including template matching and segmentation algorithms:

(Note: Future questions with "u", "plz", "abt" and other such IM-speak will not receive any response. If you are too lazy to use proper words in your question than I'll choose to be too lazy to answer.)

Thank you so much.
I have gone already through these link.but some program is not giving outout.
But still Thank you.
Keep helping like this always.

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