With windows XP, normal inport, outport functions do not seem to work. I downloaded a utility to open ports and then use these funtions, but it didnt help. Anyone can give details how to do parallel port programming in XP using C?

you need inpout32.dll, a 32 bits version of the old inp() and out() functions.

for the Dll and sample-programs:

inport() and outport() functions do work if you have opened the port. I use a software called Userport to do the same. Alternatively you could try inportb() and outportb(). Here is a tutorial on parallel port programming in C
Parallel port tutorial

commented: i like that link you posted. +1

With windows XP, normal inport, outport functions do not seem to work. I downloaded a utility to open ports and then use these funtions, but it didnt help. Anyone can give details how to do parallel port programming in XP using C?

I have a suggestion: Try imitating the printer, so that the system assumes that is the printer, while the equipment can be anything else. This way, you can circumvent the obstructions of XP. I am trying that, as soon as I am successful, I will get back with details.

Oh boy...dont try to get back to him, coz he is too late to see your post..!!! :'(

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