my name is Sivakumar working in a Company at Bangalore as senior software engineer. I'd like to work some freelancing software works related to (Dotnet/ASP Projects)
from home.Please suggest any firm that provides projects(software Development) to work from home or any site that i can get freelancing work to do.

my contact No : 91+9886461323
Mail ID : sjshiva04@gmail.com

Thanks & Regards,

my name is Sivakumar working in a Company at Bangalore as senior software engineer. I'd like to work some freelancing software works related to (Dotnet/ASP Projects)
from home.Please suggest any firm that provides projects(software Development) to work from home or any site that i can get freelancing work to do.

my contact No : 91+9886461323
Mail ID : sjshiva04@gmail.com

Thanks & Regards,

I am working as a SSE in Bangalore. I am also looking for similar opportunity. Were you able to find anything? Please do let me know.
I just checked out rentacoder.

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