Hey guys....I've been doing Python for probably more than 4 months and i have gotten to the point saying to myself "What should i make?" and "How would i do that?" i just don't know where to go know and what to do. I am capable in many things in Python, i just don't know what to do next. What do you guys think?

(1) Have you checked out the "Projects for the Beginner" page?

(2) Decide on some programs you might find useful or fun, and write them. This year's projects for me include a weather database with GUI, PacMan, Defender, a wxCanvas module, and a networked Go Fish game.

(3) pick an area you know very little about: HTML or XML, sockets, threads, GUI -- and assign yourself some exercises.

Hope that helps,

Ok thanks, and one thing I'm trying to make a text RPG and sadly, i cant get it get past the menu it jut stops..think you can help?

print "Welcome to Adventure!"
print " "
print "Your options are: "
print "1) Play"
print "2) Quit"
choice = raw_input("Choose your option: ")

if choice == 1:
        print "You can go: "
        list = ['N', 'S', 'E', 'W']
        choice = raw_input("Where do you want to go?: ")
elif choice == 2:
    print "You find nothing.."

I think I'm having trouble with variables/defining them


You problems are very basic, function raw_input() returns a string, but in your if statement you are trying to compare it with an integer.

That means choice == 1 needs to be choice == '1' and so on.

Don't use a Python function name like 'list' as a variable name.

Further your second raw_intput call should not be given to the same variable 'choice' you had on the first call, it might just mess up your elif statement. Use something like 'direction', it is more descriptive anyway.

My advice, design your first RPG very simple, make it work, learn and then go more complex.

Thanks for the help vegaseat now i know i need to practice Python more...but one more thing. When ever i put this in my elif statement

elif direction == '2':

The program stops from their. Any suggestions?


Thanks for the help vegaseat now i know i need to practice Python more...but one more thing. When ever i put this in my elif statement

elif direction == '2':

The program stops from their. Any suggestions?


I think you misunderstood vegaseat. It needs to be something like this:

print "Welcome to Adventure!"
print " "
print "Your options are: "
print "1) Play"
print "2) Quit"
choice = raw_input("Choose your option (1, 2): ")

if choice == '1':
        #print "You can go: "
        dir_list = ['N', 'S', 'E', 'W']
        direction = raw_input("Where do you want to go (N, S, E, W)?: ").upper()
        if direction in dir_list:
            # do something here
            pass  # temporary action
elif choice == '2':
    print "You find nothing.."

Thanks ZZucker, you fixed my problem :)

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