is it bad to not be a student on this page because i thought it was for anyone who needed help with c++

>is it bad to not be a student on this page
What gave you that impression? We help everyone: students, hobbyists, professionals, and anything else you can think of. Now, we do have a tendency to discriminate against the willfully ignorant and the lazy, but if you're not one of those, you have nothing to worry about. :)

I'm not a student, and I got plenty of help.

You just need to know how to ask the questions.
Look at the links at the top of the forum to help you get started. If you have a thread topic that's descriptive and you ask your question clearly, using the {code} and {/code} tags around the examples you copy/paste, then you'll get the help you're looking for.

Note that you should use square brackets, [ and ], rather than the curly brackets, { and }, in the tags I mentioned.

There are very experienced coders here willing to give you a hand with your code/understanding, but if they have to spend time formatting and interpreting everything you've posted themselves, why would they bother?

If you're not willing to put the effort in to ask a question properly, you shouldn't expect people to put effort into answering you.

Note that you should use square brackets, [ and ], rather than the curly brackets, { and }, in the tags I mentioned.

Oh, so you're saying we should use code tags? :D



Yes, I am.


is it bad to not be a student on this page because i thought it was for anyone who needed help with c++

It has more to do with the way you write. You seem like a drunken toddler, and nobody wants to handhold a toddler who (presumably) can't do any work on his/her own. There are easier ways to get one's fix.

And statements like this will not bring you much help, either.

well no duh statments dont bring help questions bring help

>well no duh statments dont bring help questions bring help
I have to admit, that's a damn good comeback. :cheesy: But there's one thing you should know about this forum. If you want us to tolerate an attitude, you earn it by being helpful and knowledgeable. We only cut slack for people who are an asset to the forum.

ok but so i could understand that um what does a asset mean?

well no duh statments dont bring help questions bring help

Then keep on asking, just as you are doing right now. It would be interesting to see how you get by.

1. A useful or valuable quality, person, or thing; an advantage or resource

dude most of all my spech is qustions thats the only way i comprehend anything is to question all truthes thats how u become a sucsessfull revolutioninist to change the way people think about things and to manipulate reality so dude im going to be sucessfull dont wory man

I think I'll go ahead and nip this thread before it gets *really* interesting.

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