How do I overload the input and + operator for quaternion class?

type classname::operator+(argument-list)
operation relative to the class

type classname::operator+(argument-list)
operation relative to the class

do u have any sample code?

I have the following code sitting on my desktop from a book I've used previously.

// Overload operators using member functions.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class three_d {
  int x, y, z; // 3-D coordinates
  three_d() { x = y = z = 0; }
  three_d(int i, int j, int k) {x = i; y = j; z = k; }

  three_d operator+(three_d op2); // op1 is implied
  three_d operator=(three_d op2); // op1 is implied

  void show() ;

// Overload +.
three_d three_d::operator+(three_d op2)
  three_d temp;

  temp.x = x + op2.x; // These are integer additions
  temp.y = y + op2.y; // and the + retains is original
  temp.z = z + op2.z; // meaning relative to them.
  return temp;

// Overload assignment.
three_d three_d::operator=(three_d op2)
  x = op2.x; // These are integer assignments
  y = op2.y; // and the = retains its original
  z = op2.z; // meaning relative to them.
  return *this;

// Show X, Y, Z coordinates.
void three_d::show()
  cout << x << ", ";
  cout << y << ", ";
  cout << z << "\n";

int main()
  three_d a(1, 2, 3), b(10, 10, 10), c;;;

  c = a + b; // add a and b together;

  c = a + b + c; // add a, b and c together;

  c = b = a; // demonstrate multiple assignment;;

  return 0;

great, do you know how to overload the output function?

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