Hey, basically im trying to create a Kill/Death ratio program where the user types x number of kills and y number of deaths and this creates an answer for ratio " :1" for example " how many kills ? 3388 " "How many deaths? 1237" "Your ratio is 12.129:1" the decimal is needed if possible oh and just one more i need the program to loop [hence the end code, not that it works]
so heres the code im using up to now. and if you need it explaining any more or dont understand please tell me!
// ArenaRatio.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include "Converter.h"
using namespace std;
int x;
int y;
int main ()
float x,y, dummy;
float ratio = .046;
//declare variables
char rerun;
cout<<"Welcome to Easy ArenaRatio finder!\n";
cout<<"\t Please enter the numbers of kills: \n" << endl;
cin >> x;
cout<<"\t Please enter the numbers of deaths: \n" << endl;
cin >> y;
cout<<"Your Ratio is: "<< converter(x, y) / ratio << ":1" << endl;
//prompt user if they wish to run the program again
cout << "Would you like to input information for another ratio? <y/n>: ";
cin >> rerun;
return 0;