I want create some custom controls. With the properties.
can any one help me to develop that.
which is use to develop custom controls, jsp or ejb or swings?

Hi , i could not completely understand what you wnat to achieve.However i will summarize what can be done.

1> you want to create custom component for desktop applications or applets then swings is the toolkit for you.

2>If you want to use custom components for browser based application the you need to resort to javascript,dhtml and create a custom tag library to use them with jsp.
you can use one of the freely availbale toolkit libraries from yahoo and google for custom components for browser application. The google toolkit is available at http://code.google.com/webtoolkit/
and yahoo is at http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/
hope this helps

Hi , i could not completely understand what you wnat to achieve.However i will summarize what can be done.

1> you want to create custom component for desktop applications or applets then swings is the toolkit for you.

2>If you want to use custom components for browser based application the you need to resort to javascript,dhtml and create a custom tag library to use them with jsp.
you can use one of the freely availbale toolkit libraries from yahoo and google for custom components for browser application. The google toolkit is available at http://code.google.com/webtoolkit/
and yahoo is at http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/
hope this helps

Thank you for your reply.
i want to to use custom components for browser based application.
i dont know hoe to write TagHandler program, which package is used to develop?
eg: i have to develop a label with the property size, database vale.based on the database value, the color of text will be change. like that.

can you help me develop that. Do you have any sample code.

For this you can search for custom jsp tags. Or jsf implemenattion from apache must be having such component already. I am not too sure but jsf (trinidad project ) has lot of rich ui components. Just check.

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