I am creating a book database using C++. I am using a book structure which contains all the information for each book that I create. The problem I am having is that I want to be able to search the file I am printing the books to for a specific book based on a user input. I want multiple searches but if I can just get one I should be able to figure out the other searches. This example is how I am trying to search by ISBN #, which is a part of the book structure stored in a char array.
void findByISBN()
char input[80];
fstream bookIn;
bool bookFound = 0;
Book book;
int bookNum;
cout << "Please enter the ISBN# without any dashes: ";
//create/open the object to use as the inventory file
bookIn.open("inventory.txt", ios::in | ios::binary);
//search the file for the correct book
for(int i = 1; bookFound != 1; i++)
//Move the position of the get pointer
bookIn.seekg(sizeof(book) * i, ios::beg);
//write the data to the book structure
bookIn.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&book),
//check for the correct ISBN #
if ( strcmp ( book.ISBN, input) == 0)
bookFound = 1;
bookNum = i;
Please help me with this problem. Thanks in advance.