
I'm not sure if this is the right thread, but here goes. I have a program installed which shows the live price of a product i am interested in (i.e. the price changes every couple of seconds). Now I cant access the programs source code to get the price and store it within my own program (i.e. take the price and store it in an array within another program).

Is there anyway to get the content from this program? I was thinking that if it might be possible to find the location where the memory of the program is stored and try and take the information from there. I just dont have a clue where to start. Can anyone point me in the right direction.

Just to clarify, i want to take information (i.e. strings) from an existing program and put it into my own program.

You are looking to do something pretty tricky. I can help you on Windows, but on another OS you might be up the creek without a paddle...

What OS are you using? And how is the number displayed (in a window or on the console or in a line edit or what)?

> i want to take information (i.e. strings) from an existing program
How do you know it stores strings?
Just because you see strings on screen doesn't mean it stores those same strings internally for any length of time.

Routing the program's net connection through your own little proxy would allow you to snoop all the information it receives.

> i want to take information (i.e. strings) from an existing program
How do you know it stores strings?
Just because you see strings on screen doesn't mean it stores those same strings internally for any length of time.

Routing the program's net connection through your own little proxy would allow you to snoop all the information it receives.

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