Hey everyone,
I'm trying to make a perl script that logs me into my account, and fills this form for me for my job, but i cant get it past a drop down menu,
wat a person would manually do is put the mouse over this button, and list would drop down, then you'd click on your link... i think this is still considered a drop down menu, not an image link/java script thing....
I've tried using (all from WWW::mech),
$mech->follow_link( url_regex => qr/download/i );
$mech->follow_link( text => 'download', n => 3 );
$mech->follow_link( n => 3 );
$mech->find_link( text => 'News', url_regex => qr/cnn\.com/ );
I used all these generic codes for my project (followed by a $mech->click();) but i couldnt get it past my drop down menu,
any help or advise? plz...
thank you ahead of time!