If you type in employee ID, and then a character (other than s, h or c) including the enter key. You get a message that says, "Do you want to try again or quit?" "Type q or Q to quit any other key to continue." If you hit any other key than q or Q, nothing happens.
I am trying to get the program to go to the else part of the function when another key than q or Q is hit, including the enter key. But I am out of ideas.
I hope someone out there can help. Any suggestions will be much appreciated. Thank you!

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>

bool getEmployeeData (int*, char*, double*, double*, double*, double);
float calculateGrossPay (char, double, double, double);
void displayEmployeeInfo(int, char, double);
bool tryAgain(char*);
bool isValidStatus(char*);

int main()
        int ID = 0;
        double Salary = 0;
        double hourwrk = 0;
        double sales = 0;
        double grossPay = 0;
        char pyrllSt = ' ';
        float totalPayroll = 0.0;
        bool result = true;
        while (result)
                result = getEmployeeData (&ID, &pyrllSt, &Salary, &hourwrk, &sales, totalPayroll);
                if (result)
                        grossPay = calculateGrossPay(pyrllSt, Salary, hourwrk, sales);
                        totalPayroll += grossPay;
                        displayEmployeeInfo (ID, pyrllSt, grossPay);
                        cout << "Total Payroll for this month: " << endl;
                        cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2);
                        cout << "$" << totalPayroll << endl;
        return (1);

bool getEmployeeData (int *ID, char *pyrllSt, double *Salary, double *hourwrk, double *sales, double totalPayroll)
        cout << "Enter employee ID: " << endl;
        cin >> *ID;

        if (*ID > 0)
        cout << "Enter payroll status: " << endl;
        cin >> *pyrllSt;
        if (isValidStatus(pyrllSt))
        if (*pyrllSt == 's' || *pyrllSt == 'S')
                cout << "Enter monthly salary" << endl;
                cin >> *Salary;

        if (*pyrllSt == 'h' || *pyrllSt == 'H')
        cout << "Enter number of hours worked this month: " << endl;
                cin >> *hourwrk;

        if (*pyrllSt == 'c' || *pyrllSt == 'C')
        cout << "Enter total sales for this month: " << endl;
                cin >> *sales;
        }//if isValid Status
                return true;
                return false;

bool isValidStatus (char *pyrllSt)
        bool isGood = true;

        while (isGood)

                isGood = (*pyrllSt == 's' || *pyrllSt == 'S' || *pyrllSt =='h' || *pyrllSt == 'H' || *pyrllSt == 'c' || *pyrllSt =='C');

                if (isGood)
                        return true;
                        isGood = tryAgain(pyrllSt);
        return false;

bool tryAgain(char *pyrllSt)
        char quit;

        cout << "Type Q or q to quit, any other key to continue: " << endl;
        cin >> quit;

        if (quit == 'q' || quit == 'Q')
                cout << "*** Program Terminated ***" << endl;
                return false;
                cout << "Re-enter: 's' or 'S' for salaried, 'h' or 'H' for hourly, " << endl;
                cout << "'c' or 'C' for commissioned." << endl;
                cin >> *pyrllSt;
                return true;

float calculateGrossPay (char pyrllSt, double Salary, double hourwrk, double sales)
        float grossPay;
        if (pyrllSt == 's' || pyrllSt == 'S')
                grossPay = Salary;

        if (pyrllSt == 'h' || pyrllSt == 'H')
        grossPay = hourwrk * 18.75;

        if (pyrllSt == 'c' || pyrllSt == 'C')
        grossPay = sales * 0.06 + 1000.00;
        return grossPay;


void displayEmployeeInfo (int ID, char pyrllSt, double grossPay)
cout << "Employee ID: " << ID << endl;
cout << "Payroll Status: " << pyrllSt << endl;
cout << "Gross Pay: " << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2);
cout << "$" << grossPay << endl;
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