I have commented the problem into the code below. See the Store2 vector in the Write Data function. I get error 0xC0000005: Access Violation with no warnings. Any help figuring out why would be appreciated.
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include <stdlib.h>
using namespace std ;
struct Weather
int winddr;
double windsp;
double ETTsea;
double Hsea;
double VMDsea;
double ETTswell;
double Hswell;
double VMDswell;
double Hs;
struct Found {
double height;
double degrees;
double prob;
double count;
struct Found2 {
double height;
double VMDsea;
double VMDswell;
int yes;
void Write_Data(vector <Weather> Data) {
double count, y, z, angle1, angle2, count2;
int x, a, b;
Found Temp;
Found2 Temp2;
vector <Found> Store;
vector <Found2> Store2;
count2 =0;
for (b=0; a<Data.size(); a++) {
Temp2.height =0;
Temp2.VMDsea =0;
Temp2.VMDswell =0;
}//for statement
for (y=0; y<=20.0; y = y+.5) {
if (angle1=0 && Data[x].Hs <= y)
count2 = count2+1;
Temp.count = count2;
Temp.degrees = 0;
Temp.height = y;
Temp.prob = count2/105192.0;
count2 = 0;
for (z=15; z<=180.0; z = z + 15.0) {
count =0;
for (x=0; x<Data.size(); x++) {
angle1 = abs(Data[x].VMDsea - Data[x].VMDswell);
angle2 = abs(360-angle1);
if (angle1>180.0) {
} //for if
if (angle1> z-15 && angle1 <=z && Data[x].Hs <= y) {
count = count +1;
if (y==20) {
Temp2.height =Data[x].Hs;
Temp2.VMDsea =Data[x].VMDsea;
Temp2.VMDswell =Data[x].VMDswell;
//THIS IS WHERE PROGRAM ERRORS WITH 0xC0000005: Access Violation
Store2[x] = Temp2;
} //for if
} //for if
} //for x
Temp.count = count;
Temp.degrees = z;
Temp.height = y;
Temp.prob = count/105192.0;
} //for z
} //for y
ofstream DataFile("results.txt");
cout<<"Writing...Please wait...."<<endl;
for (a=0; a<Store.size(); a++) {
DataFile << Store[a].height <<" "<< Store[a].degrees <<" "<< Store[a].prob <<" "<<Store[a].count<<endl;
ofstream DataFile2("results2.txt");
cout<<"Writing...Please wait...."<<endl;
for (b=0; b<Store.size(); b++) {
DataFile2 << Store2[b].height <<" "<< Store2[b].VMDsea <<" "<< Store2[b].VMDswell <<" "<<Store2[b].yes<<endl;
} //for function
vector <Weather> Load_Data() {
string DataStream1;
vector<Weather> Data;
cout<<"Pulling in data...Please wait...."<<endl;
//Load First Data File
ifstream DataFile1("GROW.txt");
while(getline(DataFile1, DataStream1))
istringstream Incoming(DataStream1);
Weather w;
Incoming >> w.winddr >>w.windsp >>w.ETTsea >> w.Hsea >> w.VMDsea >> w.ETTswell >> w.Hswell>> w.VMDswell >> w.Hs;
//Load Successful
cout<<"Load successful..."<<endl;
cout<<"Array size "<<Data.size()<<endl;
return Data;
int main()
//Declare variables
vector<Weather> Data;
//Call the functions
Data = Load_Data();
return 0;