my problem is that i have written an algorihtm to convert non deterministic finite automata to deterministic finite automata but i couldn't translate it to C program and this is the algorithm i have written
qx is a state in the NFA and q0 is its start state
QX is a state in the DFA and Q0 is its start state
The eqsilon-closure of a DFA state consists of all the states in the NFA that we can get to with epsilon moves from the states in the DFA state.
Q0 = { q0 }
// but there are some states we can reach from q0 at no cost
Q0 = epsilon-closure(Q0)
while there are states we haven't processed
pick one such state, Qn
for each symbol s
let tmp be a new, empty, set
for each q in Qn
add delta(q,s) to tmp
end for
tmp = epsilon-closure(tmp)
if tmp is not in the DFA then
let Qi be a new state
Qi = tmp
add Qi to the DFA
let Qi be the state equivalent to tmp
end if
add an edge from Qn to Qi in the automaton
end for
end while
for each Qi
if there is a q in Qi that is a final state then
Qi is a final state
end if
end for
i was wondering if you would mind helping me to translate it to a C program that convert NFA to DFA.
i'm looking forward to getting your answer