Hey... I present myself.. Youssef, 17 years old and i'm currently on my second year of the IB Program ... Computer IB HL i took. As some of you might know our IA = Internal Assessement is a Java Database and now mine is due wednesday... [PART I] and i need your guys help... I have a skeleton... you create a random acces file, and open it in a notepad.. then u run my program.. Team (only team needs to work for now) you can ADD a team ...click next next.. then you can click View team... (yet there there is a problem it only displays the first record tehn displays the message "No More Records" knowing that i have inputed more records iny my Add.. I would be eternally grateful if some one could help me by tonight plzzzzzzzzzz ..... so i could show my teacher tomorow.. If someone could fix me the View (READ RANDOM FILE) error.... and then have me a script thats working for EDIT & DELETE... cuz they're not in the book and i have no clue how to open then delete my record :S... Delete is due tomorow, and the rest wednesday... i know all this for tonight is alot but some of few are experts and could do this in a 20-30 min ... so if some one could save me by correcting my VIEW, and writing me a script for EDIT/DELETE that would really help... if you want just give me an example of delete.. and ill try adapting it with my variables... anw... plz guyz help would be nice... Here are my codes..

package Basketball;

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;

public class Basketball extends JFrame 

   private final Color colorValues[] = 
      { Color.black, Color.blue, Color.red, Color.green };   
   private JRadioButtonMenuItem colorItems[], fonts[];
   private JCheckBoxMenuItem styleItems[];
   private JLabel displayLabel;
   private ButtonGroup fontGroup, colorGroup;
   private int style;

   // set up GUI
   public Basketball()
      super( "BBGS SOFTWARE" );     

      // set up team menu and its menu items
      JMenu teamMenu = new JMenu( "Team" );
      // set up Add team menu item
      JMenuItem addTeam = new JMenuItem( "Add" );
      teamMenu.add( addTeam );

         new ActionListener() {  // anonymous inner class

            public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
              new WriteRF();


      JMenuItem editTeam = new JMenuItem( "Edit Team" );
      teamMenu.add( editTeam );

         new ActionListener() {  // anonymous inner class

            // display message dialog when user selects About...
            public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )

         }  // end anonymous inner class

      ); // end call to addActionListener
            JMenuItem deleteTeam = new JMenuItem( "Delete Team" );
      teamMenu.add( deleteTeam );

         new ActionListener() {  // anonymous inner class

            // display message dialog when user selects About...
            public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )

         }  // end anonymous inner class

      ); // end call to addActionListener

        // set up List team menu item
      JMenuItem listTeam = new JMenuItem( "View Teams" );  
      teamMenu.add( listTeam );

         new ActionListener() {  // anonymous inner class

            // display message dialog when user selects About...
            public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
               new ReadRF();

         }  // end anonymous inner class

      ); // end call to addActionListener
      // create menu bar and attach it to Basketball window
      JMenuBar bar = new JMenuBar();  
      setJMenuBar( bar );  
      bar.add( teamMenu );  

  	   // set up teamship menu and its menu items
      JMenu teamshipMenu = new JMenu( "Game" );
      // set up Add team menu item
      JMenuItem addGame = new JMenuItem( "Add Game" );
      teamshipMenu.add( addGame );

         new ActionListener() {  // anonymous inner class

            // display message dialog when user selects About...
            public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
               JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( Basketball.this,
                  "Add a Game",
                  "Adding", JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE );


      JMenuItem editGame = new JMenuItem( "Edit/Delete Game" );
      teamshipMenu.add( editGame );

         new ActionListener() {  // anonymous inner class

            // display message dialog when user selects About...
            public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
               JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( Basketball.this,
                  "Edit a Game",
                  "Editing", JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE );

         }  // end anonymous inner class

      ); // end call to addActionListener
        // set up List team menu item
      JMenuItem listGame = new JMenuItem( "List Games" );
      teamshipMenu.add( listGame );

         new ActionListener() {  // anonymous inner class

            // display message dialog when user selects About...
            public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
               JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( Basketball.this,
                  "Lisiting Games",
                  "View", JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE );

         }  // end anonymous inner class

      ); // end call to addActionListener
      // create menu bar and attach it to Basketball window
      bar.add( teamshipMenu );    

    // set up Exit menu item
     JMenu exitMenu = new JMenu( "Exit" );  


         new ActionListener() {  // anonymous inner class

            // terminate application when user clicks exitItem
            public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
               System.exit( 0 );

         }  // end anonymous inner class

      ); // end call to addActionListener

      bar.add( exitMenu );  		

      displayLabel = new JLabel( "Welcome", SwingConstants.CENTER );
      displayLabel.setForeground( colorValues[ 0 ] );
      displayLabel.setFont( new Font( "Serif", Font.PLAIN, 52 ) );

      //getContentPane().setBackground( Color.CYAN );
      getContentPane().add( displayLabel, BorderLayout.PAGE_END );

      setSize(800, 600 );
      setLocation(200, 240);
      setVisible( true );


	public static void main( String args[] )
		      Basketball application = new Basketball();
		      application.setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE );

 // end class Basketballs
package Basketball;  

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.io.*;
import javax.swing.*;

public class WriteRF extends JFrame {   
   private RandomAccessFile output;
   private GUI userInterface;
   private JButton enterButton, openButton;
   private static final int NUMBER_RECORDS = 100;
   // set up GUI
   public WriteRF()
      super( "Write to random access file" );

      // create instance of reusable user interface BankUI
      userInterface = new GUI( 2 );  // four textfields
      getContentPane().add( userInterface,
         BorderLayout.CENTER );

      openButton = userInterface.getDoTask1Button();
      openButton.setText( "Get File..." );

      // register listener to call openFile when button pressed

         // anonymous inner class to handle openButton event
         new ActionListener() {

            // allow user to select file to open
            public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )

         } // end anonymous inner class

      ); // end call to addActionListener

      // register window listener for window closing event

         // anonymous inner class to handle windowClosing event
         new WindowAdapter() {

            // add record in GUI, then close file
            public void windowClosing( WindowEvent event )
               if ( output != null ) 


         } // end anonymous inner class

      ); // end call to addWindowListener

      // get reference to generic task button doTask2 in BankUI
      enterButton = userInterface.getDoTask2Button();
      enterButton.setText( "Next" );
      enterButton.setEnabled( false );

      // register listener to call addRecord when button pressed

         // anonymous inner class to handle enterButton event
         new ActionListener() {

            // add record to file
            public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )

         } // end anonymous inner class

      ); // end call to addActionListener

      setSize( 300, 150 );
      setVisible( true );  

   // enable user to choose file to open
   private void openFile()
      // display file dialog so user can select file
      JFileChooser fileChooser = new JFileChooser();
      fileChooser.setFileSelectionMode( JFileChooser.FILES_ONLY );

      int result = fileChooser.showOpenDialog( this );
      // if user clicked Cancel button on dialog, return
      if ( result == JFileChooser.CANCEL_OPTION )

      // obtain selected file
      File fileName = fileChooser.getSelectedFile();

      // display error if file name invalid
      if ( fileName == null || fileName.getName().equals( "" ) )
         JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Invalid File Name", 
            "Invalid File Name", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );

      else {

         // open file
         try {
            output = new RandomAccessFile( fileName, "rw" );
            enterButton.setEnabled( true );
            openButton.setEnabled( false );

         // process exception while opening file
         catch ( IOException ioException ) {
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "File does not exist",
               "Invalid File Name", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );
      } // end else

   } // end method openFile

   // close file and terminate application
   private void closeFile() 
      // close file and exit
      try {
         if ( output != null )

         System.exit( 0 );

      // process exception while closing file
      catch( IOException ioException ) {
         JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Error closing file",
            "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );

         System.exit( 1 );

   } // end method closeFile

   // add one record to file
   private void addRecord()
      int teamidnumber = 0;
      String fields[] = userInterface.getFieldValues();
      RaRecord record = new RaRecord();
      // ensure account field has a value
      if ( ! fields[ GUI.TEAMID ].equals( "" ) ) {
         // output values to file
         try {
            teamidnumber = Integer.parseInt( fields[ GUI.TEAMID ] );

            if ( teamidnumber > 0 && teamidnumber <= NUMBER_RECORDS ) { 
               record.setTeamid( teamidnumber );
               record.setTeam( fields[ GUI.TEAM ] );

               output.seek( ( teamidnumber - 1 ) *
                  RaRecord.SIZE );
               record.write( output );
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this,
                   "Team Id must be between 0 and 100",
                    "ID number Invalid", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );
            userInterface.clearFields();  // clear TextFields

         } // end try

         // process improper account number or balance format
         catch ( NumberFormatException formatException ) {
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this,
                   "Invalid ID",
                   "Invalid Number Format", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );

         // process exceptions while writing to file
         catch ( IOException ioException ) {
             JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this,
                "Error writing to the file", "IO Exception",
                JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );



package Basketball;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import javax.swing.*;

public class ReadRF extends JFrame {
   private GUI userInterface;
   private RandomAccessFile input;  
   private JButton nextButton, openButton;
   // set up GUI
   public ReadRF()
      super( "View Team List" );

      // create reusable user interface instance
      userInterface = new GUI( 2 );  
      getContentPane().add( userInterface );

      // configure generic doTask1 button from BankUI
      openButton = userInterface.getDoTask1Button();
      openButton.setText( "View Files for Listing..." );

      // register listener to call openFile when button pressed

         // anonymous inner class to handle openButton event
         new ActionListener() {

            // enable user to select file to open
            public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )

         } // end anonymous inner class    

      ); // end call to addActionListener  

      // configure generic doTask2 button from BankUI
      nextButton = userInterface.getDoTask2Button();
      nextButton.setText( "Next" );
      nextButton.setEnabled( false );

      // register listener to call readRecord when button pressed

         // anonymous inner class to handle nextButton event
         new ActionListener() {

            // read a record when user clicks nextButton
            public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )

         } // end anonymous inner class

      ); // end call to addActionListener
      // register listener for window closing event

         // anonymous inner class to handle windowClosing event
         new WindowAdapter() {

            // close file and terminate application
            public void windowClosing( WindowEvent event )

         } // end anonymous inner class

      ); // end call to addWindowListener

      setSize( 300, 150 );
      setVisible( true );  

   } // end constructor
   // enable user to select file to open
   private void openFile()
      // display file dialog so user can select file
      JFileChooser fileChooser = new JFileChooser();
      fileChooser.setFileSelectionMode( JFileChooser.FILES_ONLY );

      int result = fileChooser.showOpenDialog( this );
      // if user clicked Cancel button on dialog, return
      if ( result == JFileChooser.CANCEL_OPTION )

      // obtain selected file
      File fileName = fileChooser.getSelectedFile();

      // display error is file name invalid
      if ( fileName == null || fileName.getName().equals( "" ) )
         JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Invalid File Name", 
            "Invalid File Name", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );

      else {

         // open file
         try {
            input = new RandomAccessFile( fileName, "r" );
            nextButton.setEnabled( true );
            openButton.setEnabled( false );

         // catch exception while opening file
         catch ( IOException ioException ) {
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "File does not exist", 
               "Invalid File Name", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );
      } // end else

   } // end method openFile
   // read one record
   private void readRecord()
      RaRecord record = new RaRecord();
      // read a record and display
      try {
		do {
		   record.read( input );
		} while ( record.getTeamid() == 0 );

         String values[] = { String.valueOf( record.getTeamid() ),
         userInterface.setFieldValues( values );

      // close file when end-of-file reached
      catch ( EOFException eofException ) {
         JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "No more records",
            "End-of-file reached", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE );

      // process exceptions from problem with file
      catch ( IOException ioException ) {
         JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Error Reading File", 
            "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );

         System.exit( 1 );

   } // end method readRecord
   // close file and terminate application
   private void closeFile() 
      // close file and exit
      try {
         if ( input != null )

         System.exit( 0 );

      // process exception closing file
      catch( IOException ioException ) {
         JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Error closing file",
            "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );

         System.exit( 1 );

   } // end method closeFile


package Basketball; 

import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;

public class GUI extends JPanel {

   // label text for GUI
   protected final static String names[] = { "Team ID",
      "Team" };

   // GUI components; protected for future subclass access
   protected JLabel labels[];
   protected JTextField fields[];
   protected JButton doTask1, doTask2;
   protected JPanel innerPanelCenter, innerPanelSouth;

   protected int size; // number of text fields in GUI

   // constants representing text fields in GUI
   public static final int TEAMID = 0, TEAM = 1;

   public GUI( int mySize )
      size = mySize;
      labels = new JLabel[ size ];
      fields = new JTextField[ size ];

      // create labels
      for ( int count = 0; count < labels.length; count++ )
         labels[ count ] = new JLabel( names[ count ] );
      // create text fields
      for ( int count = 0; count < fields.length; count++ )
         fields[ count ] = new JTextField();

      // create panel to lay out labels and fields
      innerPanelCenter = new JPanel();
      innerPanelCenter.setLayout( new GridLayout( size, 2 ) );

      // attach labels and fields to innerPanelCenter
      for ( int count = 0; count < size; count++ ) {
         innerPanelCenter.add( labels[ count ] );
         innerPanelCenter.add( fields[ count ] );
      // create generic buttons; no labels or event handlers
      doTask1 = new JButton();
      doTask2 = new JButton(); 

      // create panel to lay out buttons and attach buttons
      innerPanelSouth = new JPanel();      
      innerPanelSouth.add( doTask1 );
      innerPanelSouth.add( doTask2 );

      // set layout of this container and attach panels to it
      setLayout( new BorderLayout() );
      add( innerPanelCenter, BorderLayout.CENTER );
      add( innerPanelSouth, BorderLayout.SOUTH );

      validate(); // validate layout 

   } // end constructor

   // return reference to generic task button doTask1
   public JButton getDoTask1Button() 
      return doTask1; 

   // return reference to generic task button doTask2
   public JButton getDoTask2Button() 
      return doTask2; 

   // return reference to fields array of JTextFields
   public JTextField[] getFields() 
      return fields; 

   // clear content of text fields
   public void clearFields()
      for ( int count = 0; count < size; count++ )
         fields[ count ].setText( "" );

   // set text field values; throw IllegalArgumentException if
   // incorrect number of Strings in argument
   public void setFieldValues( String strings[] )
      throws IllegalArgumentException
      if ( strings.length != size )
         throw new IllegalArgumentException( "There must be " +
            size + " Strings in the array" );

      for ( int count = 0; count < size; count++ )
         fields[ count ].setText( strings[ count ] );

   // get array of Strings with current text field contents
   public String[] getFieldValues()
      String values[] = new String[ size ];

      for ( int count = 0; count < size; count++ ) 
         values[ count ] = fields[ count ].getText();

      return values;

package Basketball;

import java.io.Serializable;

public class TeamRecord implements Serializable {
   private int teamid;
   private String team;

   // no-argument constructor calls other constructor with default values
   public TeamRecord() 
      this( 0, "" );
   // initialize a record
   public TeamRecord( int id, String tm )
      setTeamid( id );
      setTeam( tm );

   // set id number  
   public void setTeamid( int id )
      teamid = id;

   // get id number   
   public int getTeamid() 
      return teamid; 
   // set team   
   public void setTeam( String tm )
      team = tm;

   // get first name   
   public String getTeam() 
      return team; 

package Basketball; 

import java.io.*;

public class RaRecord extends TeamRecord {
    public static final int SIZE = 72;

   // no-argument constructor calls other constructor with default values
   public RaRecord()
      this( 0, "" );

   public RaRecord( int teamid, String team )
      super( teamid, team );

   // read a record from specified RandomAccessFile
   public void read( RandomAccessFile file ) throws IOException
      setTeamid( file.readInt() );
      setTeam( readName( file ) );

   private String readName( RandomAccessFile file ) throws IOException
      char name[] = new char[ 15 ], temp;

      for ( int count = 0; count < name.length; count++ ) {
         temp = file.readChar();
         name[ count ] = temp;
      return new String( name ).replace( '\0', ' ' );

   // write a record to specified RandomAccessFile
   public void write( RandomAccessFile file ) throws IOException
      file.writeInt( getTeamid() );
      writeName( file, getTeam() );

   private void writeName( RandomAccessFile file, String name )
      throws IOException
      StringBuffer buffer = null;

      if ( name != null ) 
         buffer = new StringBuffer( name );
         buffer = new StringBuffer( 15 );

      buffer.setLength( 15 );
      file.writeChars( buffer.toString() );


if anyone could help me ... plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz :S:S you peeps are my last chance... thankkkkksss (l)

you posted this in the wrong forum, you want java, not javascript. Also, please try use the code tags, otherwise it is too hard to read.

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