Hi All,

I am novice in VB 6.0. I have to search data from access table using Employee no field which is unique and populate it on the form. But, I am encountering an error whenever I try to run the source code.

I am getting runtime error as "No value given for one or more required parameters" at Set rs = cmd.Execute statement. When I ran the "?cmd.CommandText" in immediate window , I am getting the sql query with Emp_No entered which is correct but when I am trying to run the sql query alone its giving "Compile error: Expected expression". I am unable to understand where the expression is missing in sql query. Please help!!!

Below is my code

Private Sub SearchCmd_Click()

Dim conn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim cmd As New ADODB.Command
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim sConnString As String
Dim sEmp As String

Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset

sEmp = EmpTxt.Text

'Connecting to the Database
sConnString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=D:\Tool\P_and_E\P_and_E.mdb"

conn.Open sConnString
Set cmd.ActiveConnection = conn

If Form2.PrjOpt = True Then

'Query to fetch details from Personal_Info table
cmd.CommandText = "Select Name,Location,NID,Passport_No,Pin,D-O-B,Aet_Join_Date,Infy_Mail_Id,Ph_Res,Ph_Off,Ph_Cell,Address,Status from Personal_Info where Emp_No = " & CLng(sEmp)
cmd.CommandType = adCmdText

Set rs = cmd.Execute

'Load form to display details

'Display values from database in form
Form7.EmpTxt.Text = rs.Fields(0).Value
Form7.NameTxt.Text = rs.Fields(1).Value
Form7.LocTxt.Text = rs.Fields(2).Value
Form7.NidTxt.Text = rs.Fields(3).Value
Form7.PassportTxt.Text = rs.Fields(4).Value
Form7.PinTxt.Text = rs.Fields(5).Value
Form7.DOBTxt.Text = rs.Fields(6).Value
Form7.AetJDTxt.Text = rs.Fields(7).Value
Form7.IDTxt.Text = rs.Fields(8).Value
Form7.ResTxt.Text = rs.Fields(9).Value
Form7.OffTxt.Text = rs.Fields(10).Value
Form7.MobTxt.Text = rs.Fields(11).Value
Form7.AddTxt.Text = rs.Fields(12).Value
Form7.StatusTxt.Text = rs.Fields(13).Value

'Query to fetch details from Project_Info table
cmd.CommandText = "Select * from Project_Info where Emp_No = " & CLng(sEmp)
cmd.CommandType = adCmdText
Set rs = cmd.Execute

'Display values from database in form
Form7.DepTxt.Text = rs.Fields(4).Value
Form7.PrjJDTxt.Text = rs.Fields(5).Value
Form7.AppTxt.Text = rs.Fields(7).Value
Form7.LvlTxt.Text = rs.Fields(8).Value

Form7.EmpTxt.Locked = True
Form7.NameTxt.Locked = True
Form7.PassportTxt.Locked = True
Form7.IDTxt.Locked = True
Form7.ResTxt.Locked = True
Form7.OffTxt.Locked = True
Form7.MobTxt.Locked = True
Form7.AddTxt.Locked = True
Form7.PinTxt.Locked = True
Form7.NidTxt.Locked = True
Form7.AppTxt.Locked = True
Form7.LocTxt.Locked = True
Form7.DepTxt.Locked = True
Form7.LvlTxt.Locked = True
'Form7.Text15.Locked = True
'Form7.Text16.Locked = True
'Form7.Text17.Locked = True

End If

Set rs = Nothing
Set cmd = Nothing

'Close connection to database
Set conn = Nothing

End Sub

"No value given for one or more required parameters" This may occurred due to misspelling of the field name. So check your field name which you given in the database and field name in the Query.

Thanks for replying. I ahve checked all the field names in table and in query. They all are same. Any other suggestion why I am getting this error.

Use code tags :D

This may be query problem. Try to execute your query in MS Access with sample Emp_No, If the query is succeed then Copy the query into vb.


I guess D-O-B is the culprit..
Field names containing special characters and spaces need to be enclosed in square bracket..
change your sql statement like this :

cmd.CommandText = "Select Name,Location,NID,Passport_No,Pin,[D-O-B],
Aet_Join_Date,Infy_Mail_Id,Ph_Res,Ph_Off,Ph_Cell,Address,Status from Personal_Info where Emp_No = " & CLng(sEmp)

also check all the field names...


Hi All,

Thanks for your replies. Sql query has started working now. But, now I am getting another error :( error 3021:Either EOF or BOF is true or the current record has been deleted .

I am getting this error at

Form7.EmpTxt.Text = rs.Fields(0).Value

How do I rectify this error??



After Opening the recordset, Check if any row has been returned.. this can be done by checking the EOF of the the recset.. Change your code like this:

Set rs = cmd.Execute
If Not rs.EOF Then
    Form7.EmpTxt.Text = rs.Fields(0).Value 
    ' Write code to all other textboxes...
    MsgBox "Record not Found..."
End If




I tried the code as suggested by Veena. Msgbox saying "Record not found" is being displayed which means that debugger is not entering into the recordset. I am not finding where I am making a mistake in writing the code. Why recordset in not being read!!! Please help!!!!!



I have tried accessing the database after getting the value by executing ?cmd.CommandText . Data is not being returned there though if I try directly in access table, it is giving me the data.

Please suggest where I am going wrong in this?



As it is, there is no need to use a command object to open a record set, you can directly open record set...

Check this code:

Dim sSQL As String
sSQL = "Select * from Personal_Info " _
& " Where Emp_No = " & Val(sEmp)
RS.Open sSQL, Conn,adopenStatic,adLockReadOnly

Also Note: Emptxt.Text contains, Name of the employee, and you are using:
sEmp = Emptxt.Text......?
You are searching for ID, but using Name in SQL String....??



Thanks Veena. That problem is resolved. sEmp is a text string which searches for Employee number and not Name of the emplyoee. But, it is displaying Name in the Emp No field on the form!!! How?? :confused:

I am getting another error now. I have to take data from another table to be populated on the same form. I am opening another recordset for the same. But, it gives me " Run-time error '3001' : Arguments are of wrong type" .

Below is the code that I am using:

Private Sub SearchCmd_Click()

'imports System.Convert
Dim conn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim cmd As New ADODB.Command
'Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim sConnString  As String
Dim sEmp As String
Dim strsql, strsql1 As String

Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
Set rs1 = New ADODB.Recordset

sEmp = EmpTxt.Text

strsql = " SELECT Personal_Info.Name, Personal_Info.Location, Personal_Info.NID," _
& "Personal_Info.Passport_No, Personal_Info.PIN, Personal_Info.[D-O-B]," _
& "Personal_Info.Aet_Join_Date, Personal_Info.Infy_Mail_Id, Personal_Info.Ph_Res," _
& "Personal_Info.Ph_Off, Personal_Info.Ph_Cell, Personal_Info.Address," _
& "Personal_Info.Status FROM Personal_Info " _
& "WHERE (((Personal_Info.Emp_No)= '" & sEmp & " '))"

'Connecting to the Database
sConnString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=D:\Tool\P_and_E\P_and_E.mdb"
'Set cmd.ActiveConnection = conn
conn.Open sConnString

rs.Open strsql, conn, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly

If Me.PrjOpt = True Then

'Query to fetch details from Personal_Info table
'cmd.CommandText = "SELECT Personal_Info.Name, Personal_Info.Location, Personal_Info.NID, Personal_Info.Passport_No, Personal_Info.PIN, Personal_Info.[D-O-B], Personal_Info.Aet_Join_Date, Personal_Info.Infy_Mail_Id, Personal_Info.Ph_Res, Personal_Info.Ph_Off, Personal_Info.Ph_Cell, Personal_Info.Address, Personal_Info.Status FROM Personal_Info WHERE (((Personal_Info.Emp_No)= '" & sEmp & " '))"
'cmd.CommandType = adCmdText

MsgBox (rs.RecordCount)

'Display values from database in form

'Load form to display details
Form7.ForeColor = RGB(200, 190, 100)

Form7.EmpTxt.Text = rs.Fields(0).Value
Form7.NameTxt.Text = rs.Fields("Name").Value
Form7.LocTxt.Text = rs.Fields("Location").Value
Form7.NidTxt.Text = rs.Fields("NID").Value
Form7.PassportTxt.Text = rs.Fields("Passport_No").Value
Form7.PinTxt.Text = rs.Fields("PIN").Value & ""
Form7.DOBTxt.Text = rs.Fields("D-O-B").Value
Form7.AetJDTxt.Text = rs.Fields("Aet_Join_Date").Value
Form7.IDTxt.Text = rs.Fields("Infy_Mail_Id").Value
Form7.ResTxt.Text = rs.Fields("Ph_Res").Value & ""
Form7.OffTxt.Text = rs.Fields("Ph_Off").Value & ""
Form7.MobTxt.Text = rs.Fields("Ph_Cell").Value & ""
Form7.AddTxt.Text = rs.Fields("Address").Value
Form7.StatusTxt.Text = rs.Fields("Status").Value


'Query to fetch details from Project_Info table
strsql1 = " SELECT Project_Info.Unit, Project_Info.Proj_Join_Date," _
& " Project_Info.Application, Project_Info.Supp_Level" _
& " From Project_Info" _
& " WHERE (((Project_Info.Emp_No)='" & sEmp & "'))"

conn.Open sConnString

rs1.Open strql1, conn, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly

MsgBox (rs1.RecordCount)

'Display values from database in form
Form7.DepTxt.Text = rs.Fields("Unit").Value
Form7.PrjJDTxt.Text = rs.Fields("Proj_Join_Date").Value
Form7.AppTxt.Text = rs.Fields("Application").Value
Form7.LvlTxt.Text = rs.Fields("Supp_Level").Value

End If

Form7.EmpTxt.Locked = True
Form7.NameTxt.Locked = True
Form7.PassportTxt.Locked = True
Form7.IDTxt.Locked = True
Form7.ResTxt.Locked = True
Form7.OffTxt.Locked = True
Form7.MobTxt.Locked = True
Form7.AddTxt.Locked = True
Form7.PinTxt.Locked = True
Form7.NidTxt.Locked = True
Form7.AppTxt.Locked = True
Form7.LocTxt.Locked = True
Form7.DepTxt.Locked = True
Form7.LvlTxt.Locked = True
Form7.StatusTxt.Locked = True
'Form7.Text16.Locked = True
'Form7.Text17.Locked = True

Set rs = Nothing
Set rs1 = Nothing

Set conn = Nothing

End Sub

One more thing. Error is occuring at rs1.Open strql1, conn, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly statement


you are opening strql1
but the variable containg the Query string is strsql1


This option enforces you to declare Variable before using them..
with above option, you can get rid of such silly errors...


Thanks Veena. The problem is resolved now :)

One more thing to ask. I have a reset command button on the form. It clears the entered data but when I enter the Employee number again it does not fetch any data. Recordcount is shown as 0. If I use backspace and change the employee number data is being fetched. Any suggestion what could be the reason for this??



In what event you have written the code to Fetch the details..?
You need to Write the code (To fetch data) in txtEmpNo_LostFocus event...


Hi ,

I tried fetching data using EmpTxt_LostFocus event as suggested by Veena. But , still it is not fetching data for a new number after clicking reset button. Here is the code:

Private Sub SearchCmd_Click()

If IsNull(sEmp) Or sEmp = "" Then
     MsgBox "Please enter NID", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "Empty Field"
     Call EmpTxt_LostFocus
End If

End Sub

Private Sub ResetCmd_Click()
         EmpTxt.Text = " "
End Sub

Option Explicit
Dim conn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim sConnString  As String
Dim sEmp As String
Dim strsql As String
Dim rs as Recordset

Private Sub EmpTxt_LostFocus()

Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
Set rs1 = New ADODB.Recordset
Set rs2 = New ADODB.Recordset
Set rs3 = New ADODB.Recordset

sEmp = EmpTxt.Text

'Query to fetch details from Personal_Info table
strsql = " SELECT Personal_Info.Name, Personal_Info.Location, Personal_Info.NID," _
& "Personal_Info.Passport_No, Personal_Info.PIN, Personal_Info.[D-O-B]," _
& "Personal_Info.Aet_Join_Date, Personal_Info.Infy_Mail_Id, Personal_Info.Ph_Res," _
& "Personal_Info.Ph_Off, Personal_Info.Ph_Cell, Personal_Info.Address," _
& "Personal_Info.Status FROM Personal_Info " _
& "WHERE (((Personal_Info.Emp_No)= '" & sEmp & " '))"

'Connecting to the Database
sConnString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=D:\Tool\P_and_E\P_and_E.mdb"
'Set cmd.ActiveConnection = conn
conn.Open sConnString

rs.Open strsql, conn, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly

If Me.PrjOpt = True Then

MsgBox (rs.RecordCount)

    If Not rs.BOF Then
    'Load form to display details
        Form7.ForeColor = RGB(200, 0, 0)
        'Display values from database in form
        Form7.EmpTxt.Text = CLng(sEmp)
        Form7.NameTxt.Text = rs.Fields("Name").Value
        Form7.LocTxt.Text = rs.Fields("Location").Value
        Form7.NidTxt.Text = rs.Fields("NID").Value & ""
        Form7.PassportTxt.Text = rs.Fields("Passport_No").Value
        Form7.PinTxt.Text = rs.Fields("PIN").Value & ""
        Form7.DOBTxt.Text = rs.Fields("D-O-B").Value & ""
        Form7.AetJDTxt.Text = rs.Fields("Aet_Join_Date").Value
        Form7.IDTxt.Text = rs.Fields("Infy_Mail_Id").Value & ""
        Form7.ResTxt.Text = rs.Fields("Ph_Res").Value & ""
        Form7.OffTxt.Text = rs.Fields("Ph_Off").Value & ""
        Form7.MobTxt.Text = rs.Fields("Ph_Cell").Value & ""
        Form7.AddTxt.Text = rs.Fields("Address").Value & ""
        Form7.StatusTxt.Text = rs.Fields("Status").Value & ""
        MsgBox "Record not Found for Personal Info!!"
    End If


Set conn = Nothing

End Sub


Thanks to all for their suggestions. This problem is resolved now.


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