can any1 help me to connect my project to ms access database. i'm a newbie in this is my code in vb6 to connect to the database can any1 help me to do it sumbody can help me..
this is how i do it in vb 6
1. project>reference>ms ADO 2.5
2. declaration
dim conn1 as adodb.connection
dim rs1 as adodb.recordset
dim strsql as string
set conn1 = new connection
set rs1 = new recordset "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source= " & App.Path & "\database\db2.mdb;Persist Security Info=False"
sql3 = "SELECT * FROM logs2 WHERE status1 = 'In' "
rs1.Open strsql3, conn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic
If Not rs1.EOF And Not rs1.BOF Then
msgbox "Found"
msgbox "not Found"
end if
can any body help me to teach how i will convert it to i try this code but it doesn't work of course ^_^..
THANK YOU in advance..