Hello everyone, I have got some questions and i am really hopping someone could help me out with them. I have a class privately encapsulated in another class. Now, I'm trying to make an object of it in my testDriver but I'm not quite sure how to do that. I've tried a bunch of things but it resulted in failure.

#include <vcl.h>
#pragma hdrstop
using namespace std;


#pragma argsused
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
	 string Adl, Mel;
   //	FlightsTL::Flight::FlightsTL:Flight::Flight b ;

	cout<<"check if this works and then we are in business\n";

	return 0;

I've written out all the code declarations in my header file and I've implemented it in the following CPP file (I'm going to put the code down). This is what my code looks like:


          //Start House-keeping functions
		  /*Default constructor
	 FlightsTL:: Flight:: Flight (){
		   setDuration(0) ;


		  /* Constructor for flight object
 FlightsTL:: Flight::Flight(const string &orig ,const string &destin ,const double &dep, const double &dur ){
		org = orig;
		dest =  destin;
		depTime =dep;
		dura = dur;


		 /* copy constructor for flight object

		   FlightsTL:: Flight:: Flight(const Flight& rhs){

		   } */

		   /**destructor for flight object
		FlightsTL:: Flight::  ~Flight(){

		   //end House-keeping functions

		   /* Equals operation
  FlightsTL::Flight& FlightsTL:: Flight::operator=(const Flight& rhs){

			return *this;

		   /* get origin
		 string FlightsTL:: Flight::getOrigin() const{

			  return org;

		   /* get destination
		 string FlightsTL:: Flight::getDestination()const{

			  return dest;


		   /* get departure time
		   double FlightsTL:: Flight:: getDepartureTime()const{

				return depTime;


		   /* get duration
		   double FlightsTL:: Flight:: getDuration ()const{

			   return dura;


		   /* set origin
		   void FlightsTL:: Flight:: setOrigin(string t ){
				  org = t;


		   /* set destination
		   void FlightsTL:: Flight:: setDestination(string s){

				  dest =s;


		   /* set departure time
		   void FlightsTL:: Flight:: setDepartureTime(double c){

			  depTime = c;


		   /* get duration
		   void FlightsTL:: Flight:: setDuration(double d){

				dura = d;


		   /* set all

		   void FlightsTL:: Flight:: setAll(string a,string b,double c,double d){

				   setDuration(d) ;


		   /** ToString to display flight information
		   string FlightsTL:: Flight:: toString()const{
				  string s;
				  double depT = getDepartureTime();
				  double durA =  getDuration();
				   // convert double to string
				  char deptStr[50];         
				  // convert to string
				  char durStr[50];
				  // print all Flight information
				  s=getOrigin() +"\t"+ getDestination() + "\t"+ deptStr + "\t"+ durStr +"\n" ;
					return s;


	//__________________end of Flight implementation_____________\\

	/*Default constructor

				 FlightsNum = 0;


		  /* constructor

	   //	 FlightsTL:: FlightsTL(int num){

		// }

		  /*copy constructor

		 FlightsTL:: FlightsTL (const FlightsTL& rhs){
			 Flights = rhs.Flights;


		 FlightsTL:: ~FlightsTL(){


		  /*Equals operator
		 FlightsTL& FlightsTL::operator=(const FlightsTL& rhs){
					 if (this != &rhs){
						 return *this;

					return *this;

		  /* get FlightsNum
		 int  FlightsTL:: getFlightsNum (int num){

			   return FlightsNum;


		   /* set FlightsNum
		 //void FlightsTL::  setFlightsNum(int num){

		 // }

		   /*add Flighr
		 void FlightsTL:: addFlight(const string& origin , const string& destination,const double& depTime, const double& duration){



			/** ToString to display all flights and thier information
		 string  FlightsTL:: toString()const{

			return 0;


I'd like to know how to instantiate the privately encapsulated class and the class that's encapsulating it in my testDriver. And if you notice anything else in the code which is bad please let me know.Thank you for help in advance:)

Jay F

> I have a class privately encapsulated in another class.
You can't access it except in the encapsulating class or friends of the encapsulating class. That's how private access works, and if you need to access the class outside of the encapsulating class or friends, then it shouldn't be private.

Is Your member a type FlightTl and i dont see any Declaration of a Flight type for acessing it.

Secondly , I dont know perfectly on this matter but i think that only a static class member can be a member of the same class .


class hello
hello hello2;//This is an error According to my Compiler.
int x;

> I have a class privately encapsulated in another class.
You can't access it except in the encapsulating class or friends of the encapsulating class. That's how private access works, and if you need to access the class outside of the encapsulating class or friends, then it shouldn't be private.

then what do you suggest? i m lost.

How about making it public?

Is Your member a type FlightTl and i dont see any Declaration of a Flight type for acessing it.

Secondly , I dont know perfectly on this matter but i think that only a static class member can be a member of the same class .


class hello
hello hello2;//This is an error According to my Compiler.
int x;

this was how i was trying to access the Flight class FlightsTL::Flight::FlightsTL:Flight::Flight b ; if this is not right then should i separate the two classes?

this the Header file:

#ifndef FLIGHTS_
#define FLIGHTS_
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;

class FlightsTL{

class Flight {

		string org; //origin of flight
		string dest; //destination of flight
		double depTime;    // departure time
		double dura;  // duration of flight

		   //Start House-keeping functions
		  /*Default constructor
		 Flight ();

		  /* Constructor for flight object
		 Flight(const string&, const string&,const double&,const double&);

		 /* copy constructor for flight object

		   Flight(const Flight& rhs);

		   /**destructor for flight object
		   //end House-keeping functions

		   /* Equals operation
		   Flight& operator=(const Flight& rhs);

		   /* get origin
		   string getOrigin()const;

		   /* get destination
		   string getDestination()const;

		   /* get departure time
		   double getDepartureTime()const;

		   /* get duration
		   double getDuration ()const;

		   /* set origin
		   void setOrigin(string);

		   /* set destination
		   void setDestination(string);

		   /* set departure time
		   void setDepartureTime(double);

		   /* get duration
		   void setDuration(double);

		   /* set all

		   void setAll(string,string,double,double);

		   /** ToString to display flight information
		   string toString()const;

}  ;   // _________end of Flight class__________________\\

		friend class Flight;

		   int FlightsNum; // keeps track of how many airports there are
			vector<Flight> Flights;   // container for all flights

			/*Default constructor

		  /* constructor


		  /*copy constructor

		  FlightsTL (const FlightsTL& rhs);


		  /*Equals operator
		  FlightsTL& operator=(const FlightsTL& rhs);

		  /* get FlightsNum
		   int getFlightsNum (int);

		   /* set FlightsNum
		   void setFlightsNum(int);

		   /*add Flighr
		   void addFlight(const string&, const string&,const double&, const double&);

			/** ToString to display flight information
		   string toString()const;

   } ;
#endif /*FLIGHTS_*/

i will try that! but how would i instantiate it?

Hey How About this thing.

Something like

class memclass
int y;
//.... All Functions are mentioned here for the Member Class

class bigclass
int x;
public://You can also keep memclass private and then acess it with a function.
memclass member;//The Member is now accessible using the . operator..
//Functions Continue And so on. 

thanks a lot, thats very insightful i will give it a try.

To access the member you will only need to do this.

int main()
bigclass sky;

sky.member::init();//That is if you have written a function like init.

Hey How About this thing.

Something like

class memclass
int y;
//.... All Functions are mentioned here for the Member Class

class bigclass
int x;
public://You can also keep memclass private and then acess it with a function.
memclass member;//The Member is now accessible using the . operator..
//Functions Continue And so on. 

Thank you for solving my problem, it worked

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