I am looking for assembler language in lc3 to sort an array string in ascending and descending order off of a string. can anyone help me?

Probably not. LC3 only exists in textbooks and moreover, people who volunteer here don't want to do your homework for you.

Give it an honest effort and we will help as you go along.

commented: Damn fine answer! +18

I wasn't asking you to do my homework there was more involved than just that. But thank you for the attitude and I will no longer be part of the oh so helpful website. Thanks for turning me off from your group. By the way I did figure it all out by myself.

> there was more involved than just that.
Of course there was.
Unfortunately, you never bothered to give any actual detail of the problem other than your assignment and "please help".

If you continue to post the same old vague posts on other message boards, you're just going to get the same kind of replies or just ignored (which is all you deserve).

> I wasn't asking you to do my homework...

Yes, actually, you did:
> I am looking for assembler language in lc3 to sort an array...

If you wanted help developing an algorithm, you would have asked for help with fixing what you already tried to write.

So it took you three weeks to decide to be indignant about demanding free code?

You'll notice that I still offered to actually help you. But if you believe that my response was "attitude" you are going to have a hard time dealing with people in real life. Good luck.

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