I am new to Python, I would like to inquire why the script below can't use fileHandle.readline()
I am trying to store the data in an input file into a structure,
but I am not sure why
line = file.readline() fails ?
The structure contains mode. Each mode contains atom. Each atom contains x y z
There are 10 modes in the input file (indicated by ''****')
The line after '****' gives mode index and eigenval
The lines after that give
atom1.x atom1.y atom1.z atom2.x atom2.y atom2.z atom3.x
atom3.y atom3.z atom4.x atom4.y atom4.z atom5.x .....
THank you very much for advice and help!
class Mode:
def __init__(self, index, eigenval):
self.mode = mode
self.index = index
self.atom = []
self.eigenval = val
def getAtoms(self):
atoms = []
for atom in self.modes:
return atoms
class Atoms:
def __init__(self, i, x, y, z):
self.mode = mode
self.i = i
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.z = z
def storeNmaVec(fileNmaVec):
fileHandle =open(fileNmaVec)
modeId = 0
modeTracker = 0
atomCounter = 0
vecCount1 = 1
for line in fileHandle.readlines():
if (line[0:5].strip() == '****'):
modeId += 1
print modeId
line = fileHandle.readline()
eigenval = line[9:15].strip()
print eigenval
for line in fileHandle.readlines():
if (line[0:5].strip() == '****'):
vecCount2 = splitAtomVec(line, vecCount1)
vecCount1 = vecCount2
mode = Mode(modeId, eigenval)
return mode
def splitAtomVec(line, vecCount):
temp = line[2:11].split()
print temp
storeAtomVec(temp, vCount)
vecCount += 1
temp = line[13:22].split()
storeAtomVec(temp, vCount)
vecCount += 1
temp = line[24:33].split()
storeAtomVec(temp, vCount)
vecCount += 1
temp = line[35:44].split()
storeAtomVec(temp, vCount)
vecCount += 1
temp = line[46:55].split()
storeAtomVec(temp, vCount)
vecCount += 1
temp = line[57:66].split()
storeAtomVec(temp, vCount)
vecCount += 1
temp = line[68:77].split()
storeAtomVec(temp, vCount)
vecCount += 1
return vecCount
def storeAtomVec(value, vecCount):
if ((vecCount + 2) % 3 == 0 ):
x = float(value)
if ((vecCount + 1) % 3 == 0 ):
y = float(value)
if ((vecCount) % 3 == 0 ):
z = float(value)
atomCounter = vecCount / 3
atomCounter += 1
atom = (atomCounter, x, y, z)
for line in fileHandle.readlines():
temp = line[2:11].split()
print temp
vecCount += 1
if ((vecCount - 1) % 3 == 0 ):
x = float(temp)
if ((vecCount - 2) % 3 == 0 ):
y = float(temp)
if ((vecCount) % 3 == 0 ):
z = float(temp)
vecCount = 0
#causes hang
line = fileHandle.readline()
while line:
if (line[0:5].strip() == '****'):
mode += 1
print mode
for line in fileHandle.readlines():
if (line[0:5].strip() == '****'):
mode += 1
print mode
if ((modeTracker < mode) and (line[0:5].strip() != '****' ) )
def readNmaVec(fileNmaVec):
fileHandle = open (fileNmaVec, 'r')
eigenvecList = []
for line in fileHandle.readlines():
if (line[0:5].strip() == '****'):
eigenvecList.append('****') #indicate a new NmaVec file
eigenvec = line[2:11].strip()
eigenvec = line[13:22].strip()
eigenvec = line[24:33].strip()
eigenvec = line[35:44].strip()
eigenvec = line[46:55].strip()
eigenvec = line[57:66].strip()
eigenvec = line[68:77].strip()
#*for checking
#*for each in eigenvecList:
#*print each
return eigenvecList
def readPDB(fileName):
fileHandle = open (fileName, 'r')
atomNameList = []
for line in fileHandle.readlines():
if (line[0:6].strip() == 'ATOM'):
#*for checking
#*for i in atomNameList:
#*print i
return atomNameList
#~def writeNmaVec(vecList, atomList):
if __name__ == '__main__':
atomList = readPDB('file1.pdb')
#eigenvecList = readNmaVec('file2.txt')
#~writeNmaVec(eigenvecList, atomList)