I have made a program with wxPython and i have this bit of code:
def getpic(self,event,urlp='http://mirror.bom.gov.au/radar/IDR043.gif?20080427173538'):
fc = url.urlretrieve(urlp,filename='Weather.jpg')
image_file = 'Weather.jpg'
self.bmp = wx.Bitmap(image_file)
self.img = wx.StaticBitmap(self.background, wx.ID_ANY, self.bmp, pos = (20, 60))
This is a bit of my code, not the full thing but this is the bit that gets an image from the web and plasters it to self.background. My problem is that i want the picture to change so when i give it a url that is different it cleares the current picture from the screen and adds the new image.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. :)