Hi all, I m using C# from Quite some time. I m facing a problem regarding my project. The problem is
When the user clicks on the close button on any form it displays the messagebox saying Do u really want to quit or not?. This MessageBox contains two buttons Yes And No. Now the Problem is If a user clicks on the Yes button The form must get closed whick is quite simple. But.... when a user clicks on the No button then the form must not closed. I dont have any idea how to stop the closed form event.
thanks in advance for any suggestions

private void Form1_Closing(object sender, System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e)
	if ((Interaction.MsgBox("Are you sure want to quit?", MsgBoxStyle.YesNo, "Exit")) == MsgBoxResult.Yes)
		e.Cancel = true;

Is ProjectData.EndApp(); really needed ?
If e.cancel is left alone (not set to true), the program is going to close normally.
Doesn't EndApp() force an application termination disregarding any event assigned to Form_Closed ?

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