Hopefully this question is easier than I think it is. :)

I have a directory with thousands and thousands of flv and jpeg files in it. I want to loop through the directory, get the file names and their sizes (in bytes) I've tried searching the web for a function to get the sizes, but I can't seem to find anything that talks about handling anything other than txt files. Any help would be much appreciated.

Hi zachabesh,

Can't you just use os.path.getsize()? You call it with the name of the file as an argument.

Awesome! Thank you so much! I guess I didn't believe it would be that simple.

Heres what I did, which accomplished the task, but took forever as you might imagine.

import os
import dircache

#get the files
files = dircache.listdir("directory")

write = open("text.txt","w")
print "Onto the loop...."
print "-----------------"
c = 0

for x in files:
file = open(x, "rb")
    filelines = file.read()
    w = len(filelines)/1000
    j = "%s, %s\n" %(x,w)
    j = str(j)
    print "%d) %s" %(c,j)
    c = c + 1
print "Done!"
print "File closed!"

after simplifying:

import os
import dircache

#Get the files from the directory
files = dircache.listdir("directory")

#open a file to write the files and the sizes into
write = open("text.txt","w")

print "Onto the loop...."
print "-----------------"

c = 0
for x in files:
    #open the file, get size
    file = open(x, "rb")
    w = os.path.getsize(file)
    #file closed
    j = "%s, %s\n" %(x,w)
    j = str(j)
    print "%d) %s" %(c,j)
    c = c + 1
print "Done!"
print "File closed!"

Much faster!

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