Hi everyone, I am a just beginning Win32 Application Programming for C++. I really couldnt find any site that didnt confuse the heck out of me. Alrighty, I'm not here to ask you questions about acutally learning Win32, but i would like to know if you could recommned me a site which has a list of all the commnads that I could use. Such as MessageBox(), and LineTo(). Also, I don't know how to call them, but like stuff like WM_LBUTTONDOWN... etc.

So far I was able to create some windows and modify them with the help of the precompiled code, but I still have a long way to go to understanding it all. Any suggestions or rants at my dumb post are appreciated.

I am using Visual Studio 2005 btw.

>> but i would like to know if you could recommned me a site which has a list of all the commnads that I could use

The only site I know of is www.microsoft.com. Just type the name of the function in its search engine and it will locate the explaination in MSDN.

>>but I still have a long way to go to understanding it all.
Don't feel too bad because there is a huge learning curve to know it well -- give yourself 6 months to a year, depending on how fast you learn.

Keep in mind that win32 api is written in C, not c++. There are c++ classes available, such as MFC and wxwindows.

Wow, I cant believe I couldnt find that online myself. Thanks its exactly what I needed.

Wow, I cant believe I couldnt find that online myself. Thanks its exactly what I needed.

Yep, I dont even think Ancient Dragon looked online for that site :icon_wink:

But try this tutorial, I think it will help you.

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