Hey guys, new to the forums, and was hoping to get a bit of help on some C++. I am looking for a few professionals who know a lot on the code, and have a little patience.

When you just started to learn how to code, what did you do first to learn it? (have someone sit down and show you, reading books, online tuts etc..) and what did you do for your first program?

Also i need a decent program so i can practice coding some C++, if anyone has any they can offer.

I have a few more questions but can't think at the moment.

On net many C++ tutorial are available you may use any one of them. Once you are finished with first then only you may start with other one, or else you will get confused

Also what is the difference between visual C++ and just C++. Also, kinda wanting something more than online tuts, i need some professional help on C++.

Also what is the difference between visual C++ and just C++. Also, kinda wanting something more than online tuts, i need some professional help on C++.

Visual C++ you will have more GUI than C++. What type of professional help you want?

Also what is the difference between visual C++ and just C++. Also, kinda wanting something more than online tuts, i need some professional help on C++.

If you want professional help (i.e. looking to hire someone) you may want this forum:


Regarding where to start, generally you start with just displaying "hello World" to the screen, then counting from 1 to 10 and displaying it on the screen, then asking the user his/her name and displaying that on the screen, then calling a function that does any of the above, then slowly doing more and more complex programs. Lots of good tutorials that walk you through this stuff, generally using those types of programs to start out, like the last poster said, but if you're looking to hire a professional, you're in the wrong forum.

Visual C++ is an IDE put out by Microsoft. It's Windows-specific and it helps you design C++ programs. C++ is the language itself. It's NOT Windows-specific.

If you want professional help (i.e. looking to hire someone) you may want this forum:


Regarding where to start, generally you start with just displaying "hello World" to the screen, then counting from 1 to 10 and displaying it on the screen, then asking the user his/her name and displaying that on the screen, then calling a function that does any of the above, then slowly doing more and more complex programs. Lots of good tutorials that walk you through this stuff, generally using those types of programs to start out, like the last poster said, but if you're looking to hire a professional, you're in the wrong forum.

Visual C++ is an IDE put out by Microsoft. It's Windows-specific and it helps you design C++ programs. C++ is the language itself. It's NOT Windows-specific.

Ahh alright, thanks for the response, makes more sense now. As for professional help i mean by someone explaining to me a few things about C++ and where i should start learning the code. I am running on windows XP, which compiler should i use to code with? i am only using for pure practice atm.

Hey guys, new to the forums, and was hoping to get a bit of help on some C++. I am looking for a few professionals who know a lot on the code, and have a little patience.

When you just started to learn how to code, what did you do first to learn it? (have someone sit down and show you, reading books, online tuts etc..) and what did you do for your first program?

Also i need a decent program so i can practice coding some C++, if anyone has any they can offer.

I have a few more questions but can't think at the moment.

Download Dev C++ Compiler it is good for learner and also for professionals. Its free. In case you want some help you may post your queries on the forum I visit this forum everyday.

Ahh alright, thanks for the response, makes more sense now. As for professional help i mean by someone explaining to me a few things about C++ and where i should start learning the code. I am running on windows XP, which compiler should i use to code with? i am only using for pure practice atm.

There are some free online books available for you to browse and get an idea on how to program with C/C++.

You should also check the Suggested books forum that is stickied - it has books that are recommended by professional programmers, Software Engineers and other highly advanced rogue programmers. They're worth every dime they cost.

After studying from the books and learning from the STL it wouldn't hurt to do some thorough research on the terms for C++ as well as design patterns if you're interested in structured programming.

I'm recommending the research on terms because when I do that myself I find out more details about keywords and situations to avoid and understand/etc as well as potential errors when something is done. Sure learning how to compile and get programs running is fine when you start out, but you will definitely need to have a solid foundation of the language if you want to take things further.

I'm still new to C++ myself, this is probably my 38th day of learning C++ and I think it's a beautiful language.

Last thing - don't get discouraged if an experienced programmer gives you guff or shoots you down. It's to be expected. Just don't expect TOO MANY nice people on the forums to help you. At many times you will just have to experiment, study and help yourself while developing skills to look at code and know how the computer will interpret it before compile time.

There are some free online books available for you to browse and get an idea on how to program with C/C++.

You should also check the Suggested books forum that is stickied - it has books that are recommended by professional programmers, Software Engineers and other highly advanced rogue programmers. They're worth every dime they cost.

After studying from the books and learning from the STL it wouldn't hurt to do some thorough research on the terms for C++ as well as design patterns if you're interested in structured programming.

I'm recommending the research on terms because when I do that myself I find out more details about keywords and situations to avoid and understand/etc as well as potential errors when something is done. Sure learning how to compile and get programs running is fine when you start out, but you will definitely need to have a solid foundation of the language if you want to take things further.

I'm still new to C++ myself, this is probably my 38th day of learning C++ and I think it's a beautiful language.

Last thing - don't get discouraged if an experienced programmer gives you guff or shoots you down. It's to be expected. Just don't expect TOO MANY nice people on the forums to help you. At many times you will just have to experiment, study and help yourself while developing skills to look at code and know how the computer will interpret it before compile time.

Thanks man, yea i will look at a few books and most likely get one. So far i am enjoying the community.

You can buy C++ programming book by strousstrup .

CodeBlocks is another good free ide for windows

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