I want this program to calculate an actors age at the time a movie they made was released, the user inputs all the data... I dont know C just learning but this is the layout I thought of any help would be appreciated, this does not compile
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
char: actors_name[40];
scanf("%s", actors_name);
char: film_name[40];
scanf("%s", film_name);
int bday;
int releaseyear;
int age
int filmage;
printf("What is the actors name?\n");
scanf("%s", actorname);
printf("What is the film name?\n");
scanf("%s", film_name);
printf("What is the actors birthday?\n);
scanf("%d", bday);
printf("What is the films release year?\n");
scanf("%d", &releaseyear);
2008- bday = age
2008 - filmrelease = filmage
printf("When %s, actorname filmed %s, film_name
he was %sage, years old. %s, actorname is currently
%age, and he is a Zodiac sIGN, %sfilmname was made %s, filmage)