hello for all
i read lines from file as : getline(infile,word);
but i want put condition :don't read the spaces that in begin of lines

this problem appear with me now when i end my project :'(
please help me

You can add this to your code.

word.substr(word.find('  ');

This will read until the whitespace so you can do what you want. Hope that helps

when use it ?
before or after getline(infile,word,' ');

You use it after the getline. I dont quite get your question but after find the whitespace then maybe you can read the next line and so on.

i read the file line by line
then store the lines in strings
but the space that is in the begin of line i want remove it before read the line and store it in the strings

and when add this statment
(word.substr(word.find(' '))
,appear problem in the run (abnormal program termnation)

i read the file line by line
then store the lines in strings
but the space that is in the begin of line i want remove it before read the line and store it in the strings

Does the following make things clearer ?

std::string line;

// read a whole line ...
while(getline(infile, line))
    // the variable [B]line[/B] contains the whole line at this point

    // insert code here to trim the leading whitespace
    // insert code here to save the trimmed line

and when add this statment
(word.substr(word.find(' '))
,appear problem in the run (abnormal program termnation)

Here is one way to trim leading whitespace

string test_string = "    test_string";
    string ws = " \t";

    // lookup the position of the first non-whitespace char, if any
    std::string::size_type pos = test_string.find_first_not_of(ws);

    if(std::string::npos == pos)
        // string contains only whitespace
        // drop the leading whitespace
        test_string.erase(0, pos);

    cout << "[" << test_string << "]" << endl;
commented: nice & clean example +6
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